Horst D. Deckert

Exclusive: Secret Service Totally Shuts Down Texas Capital For Biden Visit, Held 3-Hour Meeting With Local Cops

Biden is protected while Trump was left vulnerable.

Alex Jones filmed the city of Austin, Texas, being completely shut down for miles as Secret Service and local police make way for Sleepy Joe Biden to travel from the airport to the LBJ Presidential Library where he’s set to speak Monday night.

Jones pointed out the government is going all-out to protect Biden while they intentionally stood down and allowed Donald Trump to be shot in the head.

Shocking video! Secret Service creates massive traffic jams in Austin,Texas for globalist puppet Joe Biden. Biden set to announce the packing of the Supreme Court tonight at the LBJ/KKK presidential library. pic.twitter.com/9jCfWRN55S

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) July 29, 2024

Secret Service takes over large sections of Austin to protect Joe Biden. But deliberately stands down protecting our real president Donald Trump. See the shocking video. pic.twitter.com/zFpMleeEpm

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) July 29, 2024

Globalist puppet Biden causes massive traffic jams in Austin, Texas! pic.twitter.com/fXzgyPo17h

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) July 29, 2024

Jones also noted airspace is shut down in a thirty-mile radius surrounding Austin.

They’re shutting down the airspace for 30 miles when Biden comes to Austin today.

But around Trump events zero airspace control. pic.twitter.com/aALQxsoTuR

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) July 29, 2024

According to Infowars’ Darrin McBreen, local police officers in Austin had a three-hour meeting in preparation for Biden’s visit.

Breaking! Local Police Had A 3 Hour Meeting To Prepare For Biden’s Austin Arrival: Meanwhile in Butler PA, No Local Law Enforcement / Secret Service Meeting.

More Confirmation of The Federal Stand-down Leading Up To Trump Assassination Attempt@MediaRival reports pic.twitter.com/XLVMxwbALO

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) July 29, 2024

Locals pointed out the blatant example of two-tiered security online:

Joe Biden rolls through Austin in an armored motorcade and they shut down everything for 1/2 mile including the highway.

Trump can’t even get 300ft protection in the open. @realDonaldTrump

How pathetic. pic.twitter.com/zLOFCQVTeH

— Ma’at (@Thatsssfuego) July 29, 2024

From a friend in Austin today. Just good ole common sense

“Literally every single road around airport shut down for Biden …I can’t get 2mi within airport. All freeways miles away shut…and they couldn’t find a shooter on a roof? Ridiculous. So anyone w a flight this afternoon…

— COFFEE (@BTexas1969) July 29, 2024

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