Horst D. Deckert

Fauci Joins Colbert To Sarcastically Say He’s To Blame For COVID-19 & Made $1 Billion Off Vaccines

Oppressing the masses is just a big joke to the ruling class

Disgraced Dr. Anthony Fauci joined late-night propagandist Stephen Colbert Monday to promote his new book, On Call.

The entire appearance was basically an ass-kissing session by Colbert, asking the government doctor right off the bat, “Have you thought about running for president?”

Colbert’s first question to Fauci:

“You are a spry 83 years old. Have you … thought about running for president?” pic.twitter.com/bBYzc9s3Vk

— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) June 18, 2024

Fauci, who has served under seven presidents, claimed he’s never seen political hostility in his career at the level it is now, calling it “disturbing.”

Later, Colbert asked the doctor to “diagnose America as a patient right now,” and Fauci said, “There’s a degree of schizophrenia in America.”

Fauci takes to state-media late night TV, tells Colbert that the country “needs a surgeon” and “there’s a degree of schizophrenia in America” — wonders why Americans are so divided.

The man who covered up his complicity in the funding of a deadly virus in a hostile nation, made… pic.twitter.com/NkN5wjOmn2

— Western Lensman (@WesternLensman) June 18, 2024

When the late-night comedian asked about the millions of people around the world who believe Dr. Fauci was responsible for the COVID-19 virus being released, the longtime NIAID head answered sarcastically.

“The idea that your approval of a grant that went to a company that gave some of the money to the Wuhan lab used gain-of-function to change the virality of certain coronaviruses that became COVID-19, so you’re to blame for COVID-19?” asked Colbert.

Fauci responded, “Yes, and I also did it so I could make a billion dollars from the vaccines.”

Watch Fauci’s Face as He Spins the Truth into a Joke on Late Night TV

STEPHEN COLBERT: “So you’re to blame for COVID-19?”

TONY FAUCI: “Yes, and I also did it so I could make a billion dollars from the vaccines.” pic.twitter.com/td7x14fVr7

— The Vigilant Fox ? (@VigilantFox) June 18, 2024

While elitists joke about the Covid pandemic, most citizens don’t see the issue as a laughing matter since their friends and family members died alone, and their rights were completely abused by the tyrannical freaks running governments across the globe.

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