Horst D. Deckert

Filipino Government Reports 290,000 Excess Deaths Correlated to Covid Shots — Video

The Southeast Asian country is now looking into the hundreds of thousands of people killed by the Covid vaccines.

The Philippines’ House of Representatives held a hearing on May 28 regarding data indicating that 290,000 extra Filipinos have died since the Covid vaccination rollout.

“The very big spike is the deaths in 2021, which started in March of 2021, immediately consecutive with the start of the vaccine rollout. In 2021, when vaccination rolled out, the deaths went up in all age groups that were vaccinated,” Sally Clark said. “This is our birth data. And it shows that we have had a loss of babies every single year since the pandemic has started. So 2019 was our last normal birth year.”

Some in the hearing discussed how they were beguiled into a bad decision and are now seeking recourse.

“We’ve been a part of that mistake because we approved the law that mandate the pharmaceutical to be responsible. And now we learn from that mistake,” House Chairman Dan Fernandez said.

The Representative also discussed the increase of morbidity after the shots rolled out.

“Excess death, according to Fernandez, is computed by subtracting the expected deaths from the actual number of deaths during the five years previous to the pandemic — that is, the average annual number of deaths from 2015 to 2019,” the government website said.

A lawyer discussed how the population is getting upset with the Department of Health (DOH) for the harm they’ve caused via the exotic technology injections.

“There are Filipino people who are sick and tired of how the DOH has let us down, has refused to admit that people are dying, turning a blind eye to the people who are getting sick, turbo cancers, myocarditis, children who are suddenly sick as if they are 60, 70-year-old people,” attorney Tanya Lat said.

?? Explosive Hearing: Philippines’ House of Representatives Investigates 290K+ Excess Deaths Correlated with Experimental Vaccines

An explosive hearing unfolded at the Philippines’ House of Representatives, focusing on the concerning increase of over 290,000 excess deaths.

As… pic.twitter.com/AihuVjTAJS

— Paul Kikos ? (@PKikos) July 3, 2024

Clark also went into more detail regarding excess deaths in the country on a post on her Substack.

“Excess deaths continue at concerning levels and may be far worse than apparent from the incomplete data,” she said.

Regarding global efforts seeking recourse against the Covid death jabs, Infowars recently reported on The Hope Accord, a pact which seeks to stop the shots and hold those responsible accountable.

Infowars also reported on a study calling to stop the shots as well as reported on researchers who called for that too.

The Covid shots are known to make people retardedincrease in lethality after repeated doses and double the death rate of Covid patients while vaccinated kids face a 4,423 percent higher all-cause mortality rate and 74 percent of the vaccinated who’ve died were killed by the shots, yet the death rate is still higher than what is reported and it also increases Covid infection rates and all cause mortality in addition to increasing the death numbers, results in tons of bizarre and unusual skin disordersinsane and gross turbocancersreproductive destructioncaused miscarriagesparalyzationtinnitus, blood clots in the brainnon-serious disordersdeath by neurological disorderincreased excess death rates, autoimmune disorders in the thyroid, as well as deadly headaches, seizures and heart inflammation including in children, while also causing the vaccinated people’s skin to ‘erupt’, in addition to a multitude of serious ailments seen in massive population studies while also containing hundreds of times the allowable levels of DNA contamination leading to mutagenic effects, contaminating the blood supply, as well as permanently altering the DNA of the vaccinated and their offspring, but while some batches are worse than others, the injections are still killing people and are expected to kill people for a very long time into the future.

In the U.S. the CDC recommends that all Americans receive their Covid shot and that young children receive extra, as well as that all Americans now receive another shot, despite receiving them previously, while Canada recommends another Covid shot for the pregnant, indigenous, ‘racialized’ & ‘equity-deserving’.


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