Horst D. Deckert

Gates Foundation Delivering Deadly Viruses to a Lab Near You — Doctor Tells Congress, References Depopulation

What could go wrong?

A Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs heard testimony Tuesday titled ‘Origins of COVID-19: An Examination of Available Evidence’ revealed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is funding dangerous gain-of-function viral research in labs across America.

Dr. Steven Quay gave the testimony before the Committee, he is a physician scientist, medical doctor, organic chemist and has a 50-year career which
spans academic research in medicine, biotechnology and scientific fraud investigation.

“[I] include what I call “gain of opportunity” research in new oversight efforts. Going into caves where humans are seldom found, taking a bat fecal sample containing thousands of viruses, bringing those viruses back to a aboratory, and culturing the specimens, where a virus that might be controlled in a diverse natural environment but is now able to grow unrestricted in pure culture provides an immense increase in opportunity for potential pandemic risk, even without genetic engineering,” the testimony document said on page 21. “This is the goal of the Global Virome Project, a Gates Foundation funded, EcoHealth Alliance associated effort. Their stated goal: collect the estimated 500,000 unknown viruses that are capable of infecting humans and bring them back to a laboratory near you. What could go wrong?”

Clip from today’s Covid-19 Dept of Homeland Security Public Hearing – Dr Steven Quay, M.D. Ph.D., stated that the same lab who created Sars-Cov-2 is now working on a new pathogen that has a 75% fatality rate. To put it into perspective, Sars-Cov-2 had a ~0.003% fatality rate. If… pic.twitter.com/GROvuiEzN4

— Brian Driscoll (@BrianDrisk) June 18, 2024

‘Gain-of-function research’ is a polite way to refer to making a virus more virulent and transmissible in order to turn it into a bioweapon.

Quay said that while there is no actual benefit from gain-of-function research, he believes that the vested interest in it within the entire virology community makes it too difficult to ban.

He proposed ideas such as keeping the death labs away from locations such as subway systems in busy cities as well as closer governmental monitoring and oversight of their activities.

Quay discussed his work on Covid, which he said spread from the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab thanks to the nearby ‘Line 2’ of the Wuhan subway train system.

“The earliest cluster of hospitalized patients with both the Lineage A and Lineage B virus was at the People’s Liberation Army Hospital in Wuhan. This hospital is about 3 km from the WIV and on Line 2 of the Wuhan subway system. All early cases of COVID in Wuhan are found in hospitals adjacent to Line 2 and the probability of this being a chance occurrence is one in 68,000,” the testimony document said on page 21. The Line 2 COVID Conduit, as I call it, includes the PLA Hospital, the WIV, the market, and the international airport. You can literally walk down into the subway system from the WIV in China and next go outside again until you exit into the world in London, Paris, Milan, Dubai, or New York City, all before having any symptoms. Modelling by others suggested the pandemic could not have occurred without the spreading impact of Line 2.”

The testimony document also discussed the Covid connection between the Wuhan lab in China and the University of North Carolina bio-safety lab (BSL).


The testimony document also provided a timeline of events regarding the release of the Covid virus on pages 4 to 13.

Dr. John Campbell weighed in on the Senate hearing, calling it an ‘existential threat to our existence’ in a video he posted Thursday.

“It looks like the Gates Foundation is funding viral research that I consider to be a completely unacceptable risk,” Campbell said.

Campbell went into how this bioweapons research plays into the greater depopulation agenda.

“Maybe a few things could go wrong, a pandemic with massive lethality for example,” he said in his video. “That would reduce the population of the world wouldn’t it, if a lot of people died there’d be less people left alive, because the people that died would no longer be left alive, of course the people that died would no longer be able to reproduce either, dead people don’t reproduce.”

It turns out that Quay discussed depopulation too.

“My preliminary analysis is that any epidemic with a 15 percent or greater lethal virus will cause a civilization collapse that will last longer than 250 years,” the testimony document said on page 3.

Campbell expounded upon the depopulation agenda that will lead to complete civilizational collapse and a Road Warrior scenario.

“If more than 15 percent of people die, civilization will basically collapse for more than 250 years, oh I don’t know, maybe things like civil wars, balkanization, chaos, drug lords, a real dystopian possible scenario for 250 years, as well as that, all the sort of nuclear, biological, chemical things that are kept under control by people, you’d potentially get reactors melting down,” Campbell said, saying this is why he made the video.

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