Horst D. Deckert

Geoengineering Trick to Cool California Heatwave Could Spike Temperatures in Europe, Scientists Claim

Experimental chemtrail initiative to fight “climate change” actually leads to — actual harmful climate change, study suggests

Geoengineering methods meant to cool temperatures in California could trigger a heatwave in Europe, scientists warn.

University of Washington researchers last month sprayed reflective aerosols (chemtrails) into clouds over the ocean near San Francisco Bay to cool down the surface below, a practice called “marine cloud brightening.”

But a study published in the journal Nature Climate Change found that while the experimental geoengineering trick may reduce heat exposure in the region significantly, the “same interventions under mid-century warming minimally reduce or even increase heat stress in the Western United States and across the world.”

“It shows that marine cloud brightening can be very effective for the US West Coast if done now, but it may be ineffective there in the future and could cause heatwaves in Europe,” team lead and UC San Diego oceanographer Jessica Wan told The Guardian.

The experiment was later shut down by city officials, citing health concerns.

The researchers behind the study warned that the lack of regulation could exacerbate the effects of experimental geoengineering projects that are ongoing across the world.

From The Guardian:

The authors of the study said the findings were “scary” because the world has few or no regulations in place to prevent regional applications of the technique, marine cloud brightening, which involves spraying reflective aerosols (usually in the form of sea salt or sea spray) into stratocumulus clouds over the ocean to reflect more solar radiation back into space.

Experts have said the paucity of controls means there is little to prevent individual countries, cities, companies or even wealthy individuals from trying to modify their local climates, even if it is to the detriment of people living elsewhere, potentially leading to competition and conflict over interventions.

The recent sharp rise in global temperatures has prompted some research institutions and private organisations to engage in geoengineering research that used to be virtually taboo.

In Australia, scientists have been trialling marine cloud brightening strategies for at least four years to try to cool the Great Barrier Reef and slow its bleaching.

Earlier this year, scientists at the University of Washington sprayed sea-salt particles across the flight deck of a decommissioned aircraft carrier, the USS Hornet, docked in Alameda in San Francisco Bay. This experiment was halted by the local government to allow it to evaluate whether the spray contains chemicals that might pose a health risk to people or animals in the Bay area.


Liberal initiatives to manipulate the weather in the name of fighting climate change (global warming) actually lead to the very phenomenon they’re trying to combat.

It’s almost as if manipulating the weather in some effort to play God isn’t a good idea or something.

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