Horst D. Deckert

Health ‘Experts’ Claim RFK Jr. ‘Dangerous’ to Public Health, Will Undermine Vaccine Confidence

Medical establishment panicking over prospect of Trump tapping Kennedy to lead health agencies like HHS, CDC or NIH.

Health experts are worried Robert F. Kennedy Jr. could influence former President Trump’s public health policies in a second term, according to reports.

Trump tapped Kennedy to be part of his transition team, but he also hinted RFK Jr. would have a “big role” in his administration, and his former running mate Nicole Shanahan said he’d do an “incredible job” as secretary of Health and Human Services. 

But other public health agencies are reportedly on the table for Kennedy to lead, such as the Centers for Disease Control and the National Institutes of Health.

And that’s what got all these health experts panicking.

From The Hill:

Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. told conservative radio host Glenn Beck this month he would support Kennedy taking over a government agency to “blow it up.”

And this is exactly what many health experts fear would happen to a public health agency — like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the National Institutes of Health — with Kennedy at the helm.   

“From a health perspective this would be nothing short of chaos,” said Robert Murphy, a professor of infectious disease at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.   

“He’s proven himself to be a dangerous fanatic who doesn’t have a science background and who doesn’t believe in science.”  

“We’re in a lot of trouble if he has any role, any leadership position related to many things, but health in particular,” he added. 

Specifically, given Kennedy’s stance against the COVID-19 shots, these health experts are worried he will engender a widespread policy of vaccine skepticism in the Trump administration.

Health officials are already concerned about falling vaccination rates among America’s children after the COVID-19 pandemic fueled vaccine skepticism, particularly in red states. Trump has promised to cut off federal funding to schools that require vaccines, further compounding those fears. Adding Kennedy to the mix risks further undermining public confidence in vaccines.  

The notion that RFK Jr. would have any say in who’s selected [to be part of Trump’s administration] is very worrisome to me and many of my colleagues in public health,” W. Ian Lipkin, the director of the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, told The Hill.    

“Many of us are old enough to remember what happened before there was a polio vaccine or a measles vaccine … there were millions of children that were adversely impacted due to the lack of protection from these types of diseases,” Lipkin said.

Even if Kennedy is not appointed to a public health position, Lipkin worried he could guide the former president toward placing people in top public health roles that would support cutting vaccine research or changing how vaccines are distributed.   

Kennedy explained in a recent interview with John Stossel the corrupt relationship between the pharmaceutical industry and the government agencies that are supposed to regulate it.

Since Kennedy endorsed Trump last month and outlined his Make America Healthy Again initiative, the establishment has found itself in an awkward position and is now defending processed foods and Big Agriculture.

Health Ranger Mike Adams elaborated:

“We are now watching one of the most hilarious political pivots in history, where Democrats, reacting to the exploding #MAHA movement (Make America Healthy Again) with RFK + Trump, are now openly siding with processed foods, junk foods, pesticides, GMOs, toxic food ingredients and of course Big Pharma’s deadly vaccines,” he wrote on X Sunday.

We are now watching one of the most hilarious political pivots in history, where Democrats, reacting to the exploding #MAHA movement (Make America Healthy Again) with RFK + Trump, are now openly siding with processed foods, junk foods, pesticides, GMOs, toxic food ingredients and…

— HealthRanger (@HealthRanger) September 1, 2024

To be a Democrat in 2024, you have to now embrace and even endorse mass-production toxic food factories, the mass vaccination of pregnant women, the mass murder of unborn babies, the mass poisoning of our youth with toxic food ingredients, all while claiming to want to “save the planet” with “green” policies. It’s beyond hilarious.

The Democrats stand for nothing but DEATH. They are the DEATH PARTY, pretending to be the party of “joy.” Exactly like the Third Reich. Years ago, I marched in the streets of Austin as part of the “March Against Monsanto.” It will filled with bleeding heart liberals who believed in clean food and organics. Today, those very same people believe in toxic processed foods, toxic vaccine jabs and toxic agriculture.

“The real CLEAN FOODS movement is now RFK+Trump,” he added.

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