Horst D. Deckert

Here’s how NATO and The West are Planning to Trigger WWIII

False flags always seem to get the job done for tyrants.

A whistleblower insider from the United Kingdom Parliament claims that the West is chomping at the bit to launch nuclear weapons and spark a third world war between the Zionist-controlled Anglo-American Axis and the BRICS alliance using massive deception.

UK Member of Parliament (MP) Andrew Bridgen says NATO and its many tentacle nations are planning to stage a false flag attack, probably on a European city, by planting and detonating a nuclear “dirty bomb.” Then in the aftermath, NATO and its members and allies will blame Russia for the attack as a pretext to launch nuclear war.

Bridgen’s anecdotal evidence comes from various defense analysts in military intelligence whom he says told him that there is a lot of nuclear material being transferred all over the place right because of the situation in Ukraine. Some of that material is being diverted for false flag purposes, he says – watch the video below for key portion of a recent interview with Bridgen:

British Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen is warning the world that NATO is planning to launch a false flag attack on a European city using a nuclear “dirty bomb” and to put the blame on Russia.

Bridgen says he is receiving information from defense analysts in military… pic.twitter.com/9VUc8a6wXs

— Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) June 23, 2024

(Related: Did you know that Joe Biden is supposedly sending F-16s to Ukraine right now in defiance of Russia’s red lines?)

False flags always seem to get the job done for tyrants

All throughout history, tyrannical regimes have staged false flag events like the one Bridgen says will happen in order to catalyze their agenda. Their method is simple: strike a target and simply blame the opposition as justification for taking action against the opposition – this is also known as a problem, reaction, solution agenda.

The West is setting the stage for this false flag by pushing the bear hard really right now, crossing every red line issued by Moscow. President Putin is showing great restraint for now, but there will eventually come a time when Russia has no choice but to respond to the constant provocation from the country’s enemies.

The UK where Bridgen serves is right now conducting missile attacks from Ukrainian territory, which is only escalating the matter even further. Any day now, expect to see even more fireworks leading straight to WWIII.

By the way, if you are interested in watching the full interview with Bridgen, you can do so below:

“People need to realize that our enemy isn’t Russia,” wrote someone on YouTube about this whole affair.

“The enemy is within,” responded another.

“Andrew is one of the most courageous politicians in the former ‘great’ Britain,” said another. “If only the millions of people in this nation actually stood up for the country and the future of their children and grandchildren instead of cowering in their homes in fear.”

All Zionist agencies, noted another, wage war “by way of deception.” This includes Mossad, the CIA, NATO and all the rest.

“Russia is under attack and there will be retribution,” said the same person.

“Here’s what happened:

Step 1: NATO supplied the weapons

Step 2: Mossad / CIA did the recruiting and training

Step 3: Controlled opposition media blames ‘Islamists’

The war against Russia is a war against Christianity.”

Finally, someone pointed out that all of these wars are about money, power and influence.

“No citizen gets or has any ‘added value’ from this nonsense. This must stop. Wars must stop.”

How much longer do you think it will be before the nukes start flying? Find out more at WWIII.news.

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