Horst D. Deckert

‘His Age is an Asset’: MSM Trots Out Jill Biden to Run Cover for 81-Year-Old Sleepy Joe

MSNBC brings on Dr. Jill and Pelosi

MSNBC on Thursday attempted to run cover for Joe Biden and assuage voters’ concerns over his age by having his wife, First Lady “Dr.” Jill Biden, vouch for him.

Check out lowlights from the Morning Joe interview excerpted by RNC Research:

Jill Biden, Ed.D.: “I see Joe every day… I see his VIGOR!” pic.twitter.com/zbgZbRYLIS

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 11, 2024

Jill Biden, Ed.D., defends Biden’s record low approval rating: “I think what people don’t see is how hard Joe works every single day!” pic.twitter.com/3eEbXakFwf

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 11, 2024

Jill Biden, Ed.D., says Biden is “unflappable:” “His integrity, his character, has not changed.”

TRUE: Biden has been a corrupt liar his entire life. pic.twitter.com/zElpm2tamm

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 11, 2024

Jill Biden, Ed.D., says “it’s hard to realize our country” when people call Joe Biden “a liar,” “mentally incompetent,” and part of “the Biden crime family” pic.twitter.com/sRUJVRub94

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 11, 2024

“To those who say, ‘I can’t vote for Joe Biden. He’s too old,’ what do you say?”

JILL BIDEN, ED.D.: “He is the right man, or person, for the job!” pic.twitter.com/4WVSwMgZA1

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 11, 2024

At one point, Jill also characterized the prosecution of crackhead First Son Hunter Biden as “cruel,” failing to mention he recently defied a congressional subpoena investigating shady foreign business dealings which may have been propped up by his father’s previous position as Barack Obama’s VP.

Jill Biden, Ed.D., says it’s “cruel” to hold Hunter Biden accountable for defying a lawful congressional subpoena pic.twitter.com/6WNBFAMY91

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 11, 2024

MSNBC continued its defense of Biden with a roundtable discussion featuring Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi, who also gushed over Biden.

Nancy Pelosi delivers Oscar-worthy performance as she gushes over Biden: “He has a vision, he has knowledge of the issues, he has strategic thinking about legislating — all in the head! … He is the MOST empathetic person!” pic.twitter.com/LCaMVj4Yro

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 11, 2024

Pelosi also ridiculously claimed Democrats have “always been for controlling our border.”

DELUSIONAL NANCY PELOSI: “We’ve always been for controlling our border, for securing the border — there’s never been a question about that!” pic.twitter.com/J5yVS4qQ7q

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) January 11, 2024

The establishment is panicking as Americans lose confidence in the Biden administration, with many observing his destruction of the economy firsthand at the gas pump and grocery store.

Democrats’ desperation is palpable, and if they can’t figure out a way to salvage Biden’s reputation, expect them to begin backing dark horse candidates like Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama.

The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher!

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