Horst D. Deckert

Huge! TikTok Ban Bill Trojan Horse For Globalist Takeover Of Internet Ahead Of 2024 Election

The establishment is setting the stage to take down X and any other platforms getting in the way of their agenda

Top political pundits and politicians are urgently warning Americans the new “TikTok ban bill” proposed by Congress is another power grab by the Deep State establishment.

Taking advantage of conservative fears of China and the negative impact the app TikTok is having on American youths, establishment politicians have promoted the bill as a safety measure when it actually opens the door for massive censorship and increased domestic surveillance.

Patrick Webb of the Leading Report explained the bill “gives the Executive Branch of government the power to define any platform/website as ‘foreign owned’ even if domestic, giving them the ability to control/censor the content being published by the company.”

BREAKING: New TikTok ban bill HR7521 gives the Executive Branch of government the power to define any platform/website as “foreign owned” even if domestic, giving them the ability to control/censor the content being published by the company. pic.twitter.com/asgStv4zXx

— Patrick Webb (@RealPatrickWebb) March 13, 2024

Independent presidential candidate RFK Jr. wrote, “The so-called ‘Tik Tok ban’ is actually a Trojan Horse that could allow the President to ban any website or app merely by asserting that it is ‘controlled or guided’ by a foreign adversary.”

The so-called “Tik Tok ban” is actually a Trojan Horse that could allow the President to ban any website or app merely by asserting that it is “controlled or guided” by a foreign adversary. https://t.co/hMLgw7i0Ik

— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) March 13, 2024

In an alarming post on Tuesday, journalist Tucker Carlson claimed New York Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) told the Biden DOJ this week Elon Musk “committed ‘election interference’ in 2022 by ‘changing the algorithms’ on X to alter the results of the midterms that year.”

“Not coincidentally, the anti-TikTok legislation now being debated on the Hill would allow the federal government to force the sale of any social media platform that interferes in elections. Just so you know what’s coming in 2025,” Carlson noted.

In a classified briefing this afternoon, attended by officials from the Biden Justice Department, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claimed that Elon committed “election interference” in 2022 by “changing the algorithms” on X to alter the results of the midterms that year.


— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) March 12, 2024

Musk responded to Tucker’s post, clarifying, “Actually, I made the algorithm open source and neutral to all parties, but of course that *is* ‘election interference’ by her standards.”

Actually, I made the algorithm open source and neutral to all parties, but of course that *is* “election interference” by her standards ?

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 12, 2024

Kentucky GOP Rep. Thomas Massie asked, “Is he wrong?” in response to a lengthy post detailing the reality behind the TikTok ban.

Is he wrong? https://t.co/uxlJ2NQkSD

— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) March 13, 2024

In the post, The Federalist CEO and co-founder Sean Davis accurately explained how and why the American Deep State wants control over TikTok, not to actually shut it down as it is too valuable of an asset to the intel agencies that are collecting its data and propagandizing the youth.

Here’s what’s actually going on with the TikTok fight right now.

Deep State toadies are taking advantage of anti-China sentiment to transfer TikTok’s surveillance apparatus from China’s evil surveillance state to the U.S. government’s evil surveillance state.

TikTok isn’t…

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) March 13, 2024

In his opening statement on the House floor Wednesday, Massie suggested the legislation to ban TikTok is a Trojan Horse that endangers the First Amendment as the president could hypothetically decide what apps and websites Americans could access.

“People say this TikTok ban will only apply to TikTok or maybe another company that pops up just like TikTok, but the bill is written so broadly that the president could abuse that discretion and include other companies that aren’t just social media companies and aren’t, as some people would believe, controlled by foreign adversaries. Again, we’re giving the president that discretion to decide whether it is controlled by a foreign adversary.”

I’m currently on the floor managing the debate AGAINST the TikTok ban. This is my opening statement. Tune in to CSPAN live now for more. pic.twitter.com/yFqdYt4Pxd

— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) March 13, 2024

Rep. Warren Davidson (R-Ohio) told citizens the bill will actually create a larger surveillance state to be used against We The People.

He said, “Really what you’re saying here is if you’re not fully engaged with America’s three-letter agencies in content moderation, we plan to TikTok you. And this bill isn’t just limited to TikTok. It’s a coercive power that can be applied to others. Apps like Telegram, Tor, things that provide privacy would be targeted by this bill.”

? Congressman Warren Davidson Warns the TikTok Bill Really Creates a ‘Bigger Surveillance State’

“Really what you’re saying here is if you’re not fully engaged with America’s three-letter agencies in content moderation, we plan to TikTok you. And this bill isn’t just limited to… pic.twitter.com/0dx4r44EkF

— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) March 13, 2024

Kentucky GOP Senator Rand Paul published a brief thread about how the U.S. is in control of the TikTok algorithm domestically and most of the company is owned by American and international investors.


They want to ban TikTok because it’s “owned by China”

Not true.

60% of the company is owned by US and international investors.

20% is owned by the company founders.

20% is owned by company employees, including over 7,000 Americans.

The CEO of TikTok is from…

— Rand Paul (@RandPaul) March 13, 2024

The corrupt House politicians passed the bill Wednesday:

JUST IN — The US House passes bill that would force TikTok to cut ties with its Chinese owner or be banned in the United States. pic.twitter.com/qQl2oqGaox

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) March 13, 2024

Georgia GOP Rep. Marjory Taylor Greene joined The Alex Jones Show on Tuesday to warn about the bill and to support Trump’s opposition of the legislation.

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