Horst D. Deckert

Illegals Crash Into Barrier as Northern Border Surge Intensifies

15,000 illegals caught in 10 months in Swanton Sector – more than previous 13 years combined

Illegal border crossers were arrested after they slammed a vehicle into a barrier in Vermont, authorities say.

The incident unfolded over the weekend on the northern frontier in Alburgh, a town that lies near the borders of New York state and Quebec province in Canada.

U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) Swanton Sector Chief Robert Garcia shared a photo showing a sedan crashed into bollards placed near a dirt road in the rural region.

DENIED! An attempted illegal entry by car over the weekend in Alburgh, Vermont was denied by barriers installed to prevent this type of incursion. The occupants were apprehended & processed for removal proceedings. @USBPChief @CBP @DHSgov pic.twitter.com/Jl5R2sd3GN

— Chief Patrol Agent Robert Garcia (@USBPChiefSWB) July 24, 2024

“An attempted illegal entry by car over the weekend in Alburgh, Vermont was denied by barriers installed to prevent this type of incursion,” Chief Garcia wrote on social media on Wednesday.

“The occupants were apprehended & processed for removal proceedings.”

Swanton Sector, which covers Vermont, New Hampshire, and northeastern New York, has been experiencing an unprecedented surge of illegal border crossings under the Biden regime.

More than 15,000 illegal migrants have been caught in Swanton Sector in under 10 months — more than the previous 13 fiscal years combined.

Swanton Sector Border Patrol Agents have apprehended more than 15,000 subjects in less than 10 months which has exceeded the total number of apprehensions made by Swanton Sector in the previous 13 fiscal years combined (FY11-FY23) @USBPChief @CBP @DHSgov pic.twitter.com/3TTNwukiIF

— Chief Patrol Agent Robert Garcia (@USBPChiefSWB) July 25, 2024

More than 3,300 apprehensions were recorded in June alone, the highest monthly total on record for the sector.

June was yet another record-breaking month for Swanton Sector with more than 3,300 apprehensions across Northeastern New York, Vermont & New Hampshire.

Photo: July 2024, apprehended group near Champlain, New York. #NorthernBorder @USBPChief @CBP @DHSgov pic.twitter.com/aOo3KBDOUA

— Chief Patrol Agent Robert Garcia (@USBPChiefSWB) July 18, 2024

Infowars has frequently reported on the surge of illegal migration along the northern border of the U.S.

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