Horst D. Deckert

“I’m the Only One Who Can Beat President Trump”: RFK Jr. Says He’s Open to Replacing Biden

RFK Jr. believes he should be the one to replace Biden

RFK Jr. said he’s “the only one who can beat President Trump,” during an appearance on Cuomo’s News Nation show on Friday.

Chris Cumo said that Biden is “in freefall” and that replacing him with RFK Jr. could effectively kill two birds with one stone, solving “their problems and yours at the same time.”

“Would you be open to talk to them if they reached out to you?” Cuomo asked.

“Of course I would talk to them. It would put me on the ballot with nobody trying to get me off,” RFK Jr. responded. He added that he believes the Democrat superdelegates who are responsible for the nomination would be against him because they represent the “military-industrial complex,” pharmaceutical companies and “giant corporations” like Blackrock and Vanguard.

RFJ Jr. had campaigned to be allowed on the debate stage with Biden and Trump, but was prevented from appearing by CNN’s rigorous inclusion criteria. Instead, he hosted an alternative debate event online, in which he appeared digitally alongside Trump and Biden and provided his own answers to the questions posed by the moderators and the responses of the two main candidates.

Since Biden’s disastrous debate performance on Thursday night, there has been intense speculation about whether he will be replaced. Numerous MSM talking-heads from Van Jones to Cenk Uyghur responded with disbelief and anger. The editorial team at The New York Times has called for Biden to step down for the good of his party and the country.

A CNN snap poll after the debate showed that 67% of viewers thought Trump won the debate. Half of Americans surveyed by YouGov on Friday morning said that Biden needs to go if the Democrats want to win, and that figure rose to around 67% among the crucial Hispanic demographic; although it was significantly lower, at 30%, among blacks.

Despite the anger and panic, senior Democrat figures, most notably former president Barack Obama, have rallied round Biden, suggesting his replacement is far from a foregone conclusion.

Obama claimed that Biden’s performance was just a “bad night.”

“Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself,” the former president wrote on Twitter.

“Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the American people straight — and someone who lies through his teeth for his own benefit. Last night didn’t change that, and it’s why so much is at stake in November.”

FULL SHOW: Watch The Trump-Biden Debate HERE With Commentary And Analysis By Alex Jones & Special Guests!

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