Horst D. Deckert

Klaus Schwab Accused of Sexual Harassment at WEF


Dozens of women have accused Schwab of making suggestive comments and allowing senior staff to do so

Klaus Schwab has been accused of sexual harassment and creating an “atmosphere hostile to women and black people” by multiple staff at the World Economic Forum.

A new investigation by The Wall Street Journal reveals a catalogue of accusations from dozens of members of WEF staff against the organization’s founder and executive chairman.

One woman told the Journal that Schwab repeatedly made suggestive comments to her and posed physically in front of her, presumably to impress her.

“There was a lot of pressure to be good-looking and wear tight dresses,” said another woman who worked at the WEF.

“Never in my career have I experienced looks being such an important topic as in the Forum.”

Schwab is accused of presiding over a workplace atmosphere that was “hostile to women and black people.”

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“At least six female staffers were pushed out or otherwise saw their careers suffer when they were pregnant or returning from maternity leave,” the Journal reports.

“Another half dozen described sexual harassment they experienced at the hands of senior managers, some of whom remain at the Forum. Two said they were sexually harassed years ago by VIPs at Forum gatherings, including at Davos, where female staff were expected to be at the delegates’ beck and call. 

“In two more recent incidents, employees registered internal complaints after white Forum managers used the N-word around Black employees. Black employees also raised formal complaints to Forum leaders about being passed over for promotions or left out of Davos.”

The organization has denied all accusations of wrongdoing.

“Mr. Schwab does not and has never engaged in the vulgar behaviors you describe,” a spokesperson told the Journal. Schwab himself declined to be interviewed.

Schwab is currently transitioning from executive chairman of the World Economic Forum to chair of its board of trustees, a move which is scheduled to take place by the beginning of next year.

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