Horst D. Deckert

Learn About The Nuclear Bloodbath MSM Won’t Warn You About

While the Western establishment wants the populous to be consumed by Trump using the term ‘bloodbath’, they are actively pushing for a real nuclear ‘bloodbath’.

While the mainstream media spined Donald Trump’s ‘bloodbath’ remarks, Alex Jones warned of the very real bloodbath that would result from nuclear war.

“I want to talk about nuclear war, and I want to talk about how this is unfolding,” Jones said on his Monday show.

Jones went on to discuss the actions of the West in regards to the current wars.

“There’s a normalcy bias that ‘oh we’re not going to have another big war because there’s nuclear weapons’, but now you got the Pentagon and the Russian military, Ministry of Defense, putting out statements about ‘well we’re going to have a limited nuclear war, we’re going to use tactical’s on each other’, so there’s a real creeping up to the edge of oblivion here,” Jones said.

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