Horst D. Deckert

LGBTQIAAP2S+ Indoctrination Makes Kids Homosexual — Study

Researchers told children gay stories about tranny kids and then measured how indoctrinated into the homosexual agenda they became.

A study published this month detailed the effectiveness of homosexual indoctrination programming in beguiling children into the transgender cult. Gays coming for your children has now been developed into a science.

“The current study explored whether positive contact through stories could influence how young children think about transgender identities and gender in general. A total of 174 children ages 5–6 and 9–10 were randomly assigned to one of three conditions: Jazz (participants watched a video regarding a transgender child named Jazz), Blue (participants watched a video regarding a marker that looked red on the outside but inside was really blue) and control (no video). Both videos described the main character as feeling different inside than outside, and their social transition to their preferred identity; researcher scaffolding supported the video messages,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section. “Children who viewed the Jazz video had: (a) greater understanding of transgender identities and (b) no overall differences in gender essentialism, but (c) lower gender essentialism on three specific measures (gender immutability, innate toy behaviours and innate preferences). Also, gender essentialism was lower in older versus younger children.”

Gender essentialism is a theory which attributes distinct, intrinsic qualities to women and men. Based in essentialism, it holds that there are certain universal, innate, biologically (or psychologically) based features of gender that are at the root of many of the group differences observed in the behavior of men and women, according to An Introduction to Critical Social Psychology by Alexa Hepburn.

The fact that children had ‘lower gender essentialism on three specific measures (gender immutability, innate toy behaviours and innate preferences)’ after watching the gay propaganda piece indicates that the alphabet people who gain access to kids in order to advocate the homosexual lifestyle, such as those at Drag Queen Story Hour, do indeed rub their sexual proclivities off on the children they touch.

The study went on to discuss the phenomenon of showing pedophilic books (referred to as transgender picture books) to young children in order to normalize the them to the agenda.

“One potential mode of explaining diverse gender identities to children is stories. Recently, picture books have been written that aim to help young children understand what it means to be transgender. This literature may be instrumental in exposing children to transgender identities and influencing children’s gender-essentialist beliefs,” the study said in the ‘Introduction’ section.

The study discussed how television shows can also brainwash kids into homosexuality.


In the ‘Methods’ section, the researchers were sure to inform the reader that they did indeed include the ‘Latinx’ children in the study. Latinx is the term for transgender Latinos and Latinas.

The Truth Behind Drag Queen Story Hour

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