Horst D. Deckert

Masks, Social Distancing Return to China Amid Mystery Outbreak

Chinese health minister has asked residents to adhere to mask and social distancing guidelines to slow the spread.

The Communist Chinese government has begun reintroducing mask and social distancing rules for citizens, as a mystery pneumonia outbreak has recently afflicted residents in Beijing and other provinces.

According to The Sun, a Chinese health minister has asked residents to adhere to mask and social distancing guidelines to slow the spread of “white lung syndrome” and other respiratory illnesses, with footage from the area earlier this month revealing citizens already masked up inside overwhelmed hospital waiting rooms.

“Efforts should be made to increase the opening of relevant clinics and treatment areas, extend service hours and increase the supply of medicines,” declared Chinese National Health Commission spokesperson Mi Feng.

“He also advised people to wear masks and called on local authorities to focus on preventing the spread of illnesses in crowded places such as schools and nursing homes,” reported The Sun.

The return of mask-wearing comes as the UN World Health Organization recently called on China to bring back the masks, social distancing and quarantining at home if sick amid the mysterious outbreak.

Reports claim some schools have had to shut down as thousands of students afflicted with pneumonia and respiratory illnesses have packed out a children’s hospital in Beijing, with 13,000 children also urgently seeking treatment at a pediatric hospital in nearby Tianjin.

The mystery illnesses in China are causing concern among people in the United States, as it’s eerily reminiscent of the way the Covid-19 pandemic unfolded in the West, disrupting societal norms and established election practices.

Here we go again….

Just in time for the 2024 election.

Mystery pneumonia tears through schools in China with ‘many, many hospitalized’ – in eerie echo of early days of Covid

WHY IS IT ALWAYS CHINA???? pic.twitter.com/grkJ2WmSnj

— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) November 22, 2023

Meanwhile, studies have shown face masks are not only ineffective at stopping the spread of viruses but may actually have the opposite effect, making wearers more sick.

Could the globalists be planning to use the outbreak to pull off another brazen election theft by again using a virus as the pretext to restrict election rules in order to keep Biden in office?

The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher!

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