Horst D. Deckert

Michigan and Penn. Capitol Sent Bomb Threats, Staffers Blame the FBI

The Michigan and Pennsylvania capitols both received bomb threats on Sunday, but some are skeptical about their authenticity

The Michigan and Pennsylvania state capitols were both evacuated on Sunday after receiving bomb threats, “in the name of Palestine,” but some doubt the threats were genuine, blaming the FBI instead.

The Gateway Pundit spoke to Michigan State Rep. Steve Carra, who said that the threat, if genuine, demonstrates the left’s commitment to political violence. The Michigan capitol has been the scene of angry pro-Palestine demonstrations in recent months.

“The radical left threatens death and destruction in an attempt to get their way and plants operatives at conservative rallies to incite violence, making it look like conservatives are extremists. Then government and the mainstream media pushes their narrative over the truth,” he said.

Rep. Carra continued that the threat could just as easily have been another operation led by the FBI, like the Gretchen Whitmer “kidnapping” plot, to sow confusion and political division.

He described such behaviour as “treasonous activity” and added, “quite frankly it’s repulsive that mainstream media aids and abets this dangerous behavior by peddling disinformation narratives instead of reporting on facts.”

Staffers at the Michigan Capitol told the Pundit that they believed the threat was not genuine.

“Who the hell believes this s*** anymore?” one staffer said.

“How can anyone think that anyone would take an obvious risk in parading around as a perceived skin head or some email jihadi? The obvious point is – even if you hate Israel, what does a terror threat gain the Palestinians other than universal disgust?”

The Gateway Pundit reproduced the text of the email threat that was sent to a number of Michigan state representatives.

“In the name of Palestine, I have hidden highly lethal lead azide devices in and around the Michigan State Capitol as well as the Michigan Hall of Justice. I plan on triggering one device every few hours until Joe Biden goes on national television and publicly denounces the illegitimate state of Israel. Keep in mind I am inside one of the 2 buildings armed w/ a knife, and plan on remaining here to my dying breath!”

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