Horst D. Deckert

Mika & Joe Scarborough TRIGGERED MSNBC Canceled Monday Show, Threaten To Quit On-Air

Establishment propagandists lash out at network for taking them off air on one of the most important news days in history

MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” hosts Mika Brzezinski and her husband Joe Scarborough vented on-air about the network canceling their Monday broadcast in fear their coverage of the attempted Trump assassination might be disrespectful and damaging to the company.

Trump broke MSNBC. @JoeNBC says this morning, the day after his bosses didn’t allow him to go on air, that if @MSNBC bumps them from the air again they can find new hosts. pic.twitter.com/8d0Rkuev8X

— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) July 16, 2024

According to CNN, an MSNBC source revealed the decision was directly due to network higher-ups fearing someone on the show “might make an inappropriate comment on live television that could be used to assail the program and network as a whole.”

Speaking to the audience on Tuesday, Joe explained his crew was told there would be one news feed “across all NBC News channels” all day Monday.

“That did not happen. We don’t know why that didn’t happen and our team wasn’t given a good answer as to why that didn’t happen, but it didn’t happen,” he said.

Scarborough continued, saying, “We were very surprised, we were very disappointed and if we had known there wasn’t going to be the one news feed across NBC News channels we obviously would have been here Monday morning.”

Joe later took a jab at NBC by again noting he really wanted to go live Monday and asking why there wasn’t one news feed as promised.

When Mika attempted to push through Joe’s nagging and continue with the program, he cut her off and warned the network, “Let me just say, the next time we’re told there’s going to be a news feed replacing us, we’ll be in our chairs and the news feed will be us, or they can get somebody else to host the show.”

As it becomes more clear Joe Biden is going to lose the election and President Trump is more popular than he’s ever been, the American political establishment is becoming increasingly divided and panicked.

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