Horst D. Deckert

NBC’s Kristen Welker Falsely Claims Kamala Harris Attended Dignified Transfer of 13 Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan

NBC issues rare correction of Welker’s false statement: “Biden was in attendance but Harris was not.”

NBC’s “Meet the Press” host Kristen Welker falsely claimed Kamala Harris attended the dignified transfer of the 13 service members killed during the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal in 2021.

“Ten minutes. She could have gone to the cemetery and honored the sacrifice of those young men and women. But she hasn’t. She never has spoken to them or taken a meeting with them,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) told her, referring to the Arlington cemetery event commemorating the third anniversary of the Abbey Gate attacks in Afghanistan.

Fake News Kristen Welker falsely claims Kamala was at the dignified transfer of the Afghanistan 13

SHE WAS NOT THERE — and she still hasn’t called any of the families pic.twitter.com/WFFdrXrmxX

— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) September 1, 2024

Welker responded, “They did meet with them during the dignified transfer.”

At no point did Harris ever attend the dignified transfer of the 13 soldiers who were killed in Kabul during the disastrous U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Surprisingly, NBC issued a statement several hours later correcting Welker’s statement.

On our broadcast this morning, we incorrectly implied that both President Biden and Vice President Harris attended the dignified transfer of 13 American service members killed during the Afghanistan withdrawal. Biden was in attendance but Harris was not.

On our broadcast this morning, we incorrectly implied that both President Biden and Vice President Harris attended the dignified transfer of 13 American service members killed during the Afghanistan withdrawal. Biden was in attendance but Harris was not.

— Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) September 1, 2024

This comes as the Gold Star families of the 13 soldiers issued a blistering statement condemning Kamala Harris for politicizing President Trump’s attendance at the ceremony in Arlington honoring their relatives and failing to even show up to the event.

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