Horst D. Deckert

Newsom Dismisses Speculation about Presidential Bid and Concerns about Biden’s “Fitness”, Blasts Trump

Newsom brushed off claims he will run for president this year

In an interview with MSNBC’s Jen Psaki yesterday, California Governor Gavin Newsom dismissed speculation that he is “waiting in the wings” to run for president this year, and gave his full support to President Joe Biden—but not without making a dig at Donald Trump.

“I know it drives you crazy that people still speculate that you’re waiting in the wings to run for president,” Psaki said.

“I know it’s not going to happen, you know it’s not going to happen, but what do you think is fuelling that speculation?

“I don’t know,” Newsom replied.

“I don’t think so much anymore, and I’m so proud of the president and the incredible job he did didn’t surprise me at all, and I know it didn’t surprise you. I really believe that.”

“We can get into debates around fitness. Look, I’d rather have 80 years behind me than those 88 federal criminal counts in front of me. And so I feel very good about Joe Biden’s prospects.”

The rest of the nine-minute interview focused largely on the issue of women’s rights, and in particular women’s right to abortion.

Newsom said the GOP is “trying to roll back women’s rights.”

On Trump’s claims he wouldn’t sign an abortion ban, Newsom branded Trump “a liar.”

“He’ll say whatever he needs to say on any day of the week. Give me a break. Look, he’s created these conditions, he’s celebrated those conditions. He’s celebrated the fact that he was responsible for overturning Roe. He said that he would criminalize women. He’s on tape saying these things.”

“Don’t think for a second that if the great Lindsay Graham sends him a bill and it somehow gets through Congress that he doesn’t sign that,” he added. “You know he will.”

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