Horst D. Deckert

Olympics & NBC Issue Copyright Strikes to Halt Criticism of Bizarre Drag Queen Opening Ceremony Mocking Christianity

The Olympics and NBC are taking down videos of controversial Olympics opening ceremony, citing copyright infringement, instead of addressing the criticism.

The Olympics and its parent network NBC are taking down videos of its controversial opening ceremony featuring drag queens mocking Christianity, citing copyright infringement.

Many social media users on Saturday have reported their X accounts have been frozen as a result of these takedown notices issued by ATHLETIA on behalf of The International Olympic Committee.

Dear @elonmusk

I woke up this morning to learn that myself and many other accounts were locked out of their accounts for sharing clips of the Olympics. I’m sure some were suspended over this.

Someone named Jonathan Schmitz, a representative of ATHLETIA, on behalf of The… pic.twitter.com/47fk5Lk978

— MJTruthUltra (@MJTruthUltra) July 27, 2024

All morning I have seen popular accounts complain they were DCMA’d for posting the Last Supper part of the Olympics opening. They had to delete it in order to maintain their account.

Oddly, DCMA is a US law and the footage is the Olympics in France. It would only mean that the…

— The Gal (@giveu2tictacs) July 27, 2024

Tons of people have been locked for a DCMA strike. Don’t criticize the Olympics. ☠️ pic.twitter.com/cwZTOzZY8z

— 𝕊𝕔𝕠𝕥𝕥 𝕄. 🇺🇸 (@RandomHeroWX) July 27, 2024

🚨WARNING🚨: ATHLETIA SPORTS on behalf of The International Olympic Committee is actively filing DCMA take down requests with X. I retweeted a series of videos in which I criticized the opening ceremony. I created one custom edit comparing the last supper and the opening scene. X… pic.twitter.com/lzZt7e3cM9

— @amuse (@amuse) July 27, 2024

But under the Copyright Act, copyrighted works fall under fair use when commentary and critique are applied, which raises concerns about the legitimacy of these takedowns.


The Olympics and NBC are taking down videos of the controversial Olympics opening ceremony, citing copyright infringement, instead of addressing the criticism.

This action has sparked outrage, as many believe these… pic.twitter.com/FNyoMcVMUK

— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) July 27, 2024

Even X owner Elon Musk weighed in on the anti-Christian display.

“This was extremely disrespectful to Christians,” he wrote Friday.

This was extremely disrespectful to Christians

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 26, 2024

The internet was buzzing with criticism of the 2024 Olympics opening ceremony in Paris, France, which featured a cadre of transvestites and a fat woman posing in the fashion of the Last Supper, the Leonardo da Vinci painting immortalizing Jesus Christ’s last meal with his disciples before his crucifixion.

Countries should pull their ambassadors out of France over this. I’m 100% serious. pic.twitter.com/Mpe10kTn6N

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) July 26, 2024

And the trans insanity didn’t let up after that.

Actual opening ceremony of the Olympics.

This isn’t parody.

RIP Olympics. pic.twitter.com/5gk1yObldB

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) July 26, 2024

What the hell is going on at the Olympics? pic.twitter.com/VY3pNyP9wX

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) July 26, 2024

We are absolutely disgusted to see these drag queens and half-naked gender cultists dance around little kids at the Olympics for the entire world to watch.

This agenda isn’t just an American issue. It’s global. And if this doesn’t horrify you, then you aren’t paying attention. pic.twitter.com/N6aHjmHzAi

— Gays Against Groomers (@againstgrmrs) July 26, 2024

The event also featured creepy occult imagery, including the Pale Horse of Death foretold in the Book of Revelation, the Golden Calf, and a metal performance showcasing a decapitated Marie Antoinette.

If you have any doubt what is going on at the Olympics opening ceremony

A single rider on a pale horse is straight out of the book of Revelation

“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto… pic.twitter.com/r4sIcAIwAG

— Vision4theBlind (@Vision4theBlind) July 26, 2024

Not an accident that a bull was displayed on stage at the opening ceremony.

Baal worship pic.twitter.com/BgKGzcrmMd

— Vision4theBlind (@Vision4theBlind) July 26, 2024

The opening ceremony of the Olympics is not even hiding the satanic rituals anymore.

There is no longer anything hidden in plain sight.

These are the demonic dark forces of Satan who want to eclipse the light.

You can already see:

– Skulls
– Motifs of death
– Satanic red… pic.twitter.com/0C0zsfWd1X

— Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) July 26, 2024

Many expressed their disgust and disapproval of the Olympics’ mockery of Christianity and woke trans and occult messaging being force-fed to the world.

💯 pic.twitter.com/VLqAS2ucWT

— Not Jerome Powell (@alifarhat79) July 26, 2024

Catholic bishop slams Olympics Opening Ceremony for mocking Christianity.

“Would they ever have dared mock Islam in a similar way?”

🎥 @breeadail


— Oli London (@OliLondonTV) July 27, 2024

The Olympics opening ceremony is not being received well.

🔊 pic.twitter.com/ABQfNPIAAc

— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) July 27, 2024

As a sincerely patriotic French girl, I disolidarise myself from this freakshow and apologize to you, world.#Paris2024 pic.twitter.com/KXr55NdACW

— Juliette Briens (@JulietteBriens) July 26, 2024

It’s drag queen story time brought to you by BlackRock worldwide. It’s all a test to see if a synthetic corporate monoculture can be forced on the planet. No matter where you are the ESG demands submission to the death cult. https://t.co/l8noqUriSp

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) July 27, 2024

The top picture is from the Rothschild mansion ball

The below picture is from today pic.twitter.com/9VVA7yZW0l

— JuliansRum (@ItsJuliansRum) July 26, 2024

When I went on Tucker, I explained how the left uses mockery of Christianity to hold mock cult rituals and has been doing so since the French Revolution

Here’s France today: https://t.co/g352MQ4OdP

— Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) July 26, 2024

Fuck the Olympics boycott it for the disrespect of Jesus Christ

— RYAN GARCIA (@RyanGarcia) July 26, 2024

NEW – French bishops deplore “scenes of mockery of Christianity” during the Olympics opening ceremony. pic.twitter.com/DVwAfnGzJP

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) July 27, 2024

The criticism was so overwhelming that the Olympics even deleted their own YouTube video of the highlights of its opening ceremony.

The Olympics deleted their own video of the opening ceremony because it was being criticized too much. pic.twitter.com/hxDs7kO63t

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) July 27, 2024

But rather than addressing the valid criticism, the Olympics and NBC are resorting to taking down videos of the controversial opening ceremony under the guise of copyright infringement.

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