Horst D. Deckert

Pro-Lifer Sentenced to 41 Months in Jail on Face Act Charges After Biden DOJ Prosecution

Thanks to the Biden DOJ, Bevelyn Beatty Williams is set to spend more than three years in jail for trying to save the lives of babies by preventing women from killing their unborn children at a New York Planned Parenthood facility.

NEW YORK CITY ​​(LifeSiteNews) — A pro-life advocate was sentenced to 41 months in jail (3.4 years) on Wednesday morning after trying to save the lives of unborn babies by blocking the entrance to a Planned Parenthood abortion center in Manhattan.

The sentencing is punishment for charges brought against Bevelyn Beatty Williams in December 2022: Conspiracy to violate the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, as well as violating the FACE Act through “force, threats of force, and physical obstruction, resulting in bodily harm.” 

The federal charges stem from the fact that Williams, along with her friend and fellow pro-life activist Edmee Chavannes, sought to stop women from aborting their babies in multiple states, including Florida, Tennessee, Georgia, and Brooklyn, New York. The charges alleging “bodily harm” by Williams pertain to an incident at Planned Parenthood Manhattan Health Center, a euphemistic name that obscures the fact that innocent unborn babies are killed through abortion there. 

Video footage shared with LifeSiteNews shows that, at the time, Williams placed herself in front of the entrance to the abortion mill. Eventually, a Planned Parenthood staff member yanked the door open from the outside, beside Williams, to let a woman through. Williams refused to move aside, letting her body weight press against the door as the staff member tried to keep it open to let the woman through. The staff member says that Williams was “crushing” her hand, but Williams stresses that this was an accidental injury, which she said is not included in FACE.

According to Williams, the staff member, who is vice president of marketing for the greater New York area for Planned Parenthood, violated a no-engagement policy by recording Williams and talking to her as she stood outside the abortion mill entrance.

The pro-life advocate was initially sued by Letitia James, New York’s Attorney General, with allegations of FACE violations, but was able to “settle without admission of guilt.” After these state charges, similar federal charges were brought against her and Chavannes by Damian Williams, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York.

On February 22, 2024, Williams was convicted of one count of violating the FACE Act after a nine-day trial before U.S. District Judge Jennifer L. Rochon, a Biden appointee, who imposed the sentence on Wednesday. Williams was also sentenced to two years of supervised release following her jail term.

Speaking to LifeSiteNews on Tuesday evening, Williams said that she and other Christian pro-lifers are being targeted for prosecution as revenge for the Dobbs v. Jackson decision that overturned Roe v. Wade.

“Because Dobbs happened, I think they decided to go for blood. When you’re aiming for revenge, you don’t think about rules, right versus wrong… As an evangelical, this was Christian persecution, and it was vengeance,” Williams said.

Williams, who is post-abortive and had a Christian conversion during a previous stint in jail, aims to awaken the Black community to the fact that abortion hurts them disproportionately. She often points out that Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood and of the first birth control center in the U.S., was a eugenicist. Sanger openly sought to “assist the race toward the elimination of the unfit.” 

The Justice Department has been using the FACE Act to target pro-life activists as a response to the overturn of Roe v. Wade, according to Biden Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta.

The associate attorney general has attacked the overturn of Roe v. Wade as “devastating” and said that it increased “the urgency” of the DOJ’s efforts – including the “enforcement of the FACE Act, to ensure continued lawful access to reproductive services [i.e., the murder of the unborn in abortion].”

The Biden administration’s dramatic bias in its prosecution of pro-lifers is evident from the fact that since May 2020, there have been at least 429 attacks on U.S. Catholic churches, with many including pro-abortion graffiti — yet there have been “no federal prosecutions in any of the cases, even though attacking a place of worship is a federal crime,” Catholic Vote has noted. Meanwhile, scores of pro-life individuals have been charged with FACE Act violations since 2022, by the DOJ’s own admission.

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