Horst D. Deckert

Ridiculous: Character’s Tumor ‘Caused by Racism’ in NBC Hospital Drama

NBC drama series ‘New Amsterdam’ pushed ‘racism everywhere’ narrative right before BLM’s ‘summer of love.’

A now-defunct NBC hospital drama series shows a doctor claiming a young patient’s benign tumor was caused by racism, in an example of woke programming being force fed to Americans by leftist corporate networks.

In an episode of “New Amsterdam” that aired in 2020, a doctor discovers a 13-year-old’s tumor was caused by high cortisol levels, and ridiculously suggests the stress hormone is linked to the patient being targeted with racism.

One scene going viral on social media features the doctor telling the boy’s mom he believes the boy developed the tumor as a result of racism making him feel “threatened” and “disenfranchised.”

Very special episode: you’ll never guess what caused this teenage boy’s tumor to grow pic.twitter.com/KoOk8ULmSe

— Kerwin Fjøl (@zermatist) June 19, 2024

Elsewhere in the show, the doctor tells the patient he’s the victim of “microaggressions,” and says “racism is so deeply ingrained in our society that people myself included we often don’t realize that we’re perpetuating it,” regurgitating the left’s “racism everywhere” fantasies.

The show aired just months before the death of George Floyd, priming the pump for the Black Lives Matter movement’s “summer of love” that trashed US cities later that year.

Fortunately, the woke slop got canceled in 2022 due to declining viewership and poor ratings, once again proving the wisdom of the adage: “go woke, go broke.”

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