Horst D. Deckert

Ron Burgundy? Biden Reads ‘End of Quote’ on Teleprompter

Yet more senile antics from Dementia Joe.

Joe Biden accidentally read aloud stage directions during a national address Monday, further giving Democrats cause for concern over the aging president’s apparent cognitive decline.

The senior moment unfolded as Biden delivered a short speech to the nation chiding the Supreme Court over its presidential immunity ruling, claiming it somehow rendered Donald Trump a king.

“I concur with Justice Sotomayor’s dissent today,” Biden stated, according to the White House transcript. “She — here’s what she said. She said, ‘In every use of official power, the president is now a king above the law. With fear for our democracy, I dissent,’ end of quote.”

“End of quote.” pic.twitter.com/gwCXkca4xX

— Townhall.com (@townhallcom) July 1, 2024

Biden was roundly ridiculed over the faux pas on social media, where he was compared to fictional news anchor Ron Burgundy, known for reading every word written on the teleprompter.

After four days of debate criticism, Joe Biden Ron Burgundy’d it and reads “end of quote” from the teleprompter during a four minute speech after which he took no questions. pic.twitter.com/1KBOho85DX

— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) July 2, 2024

Joe Biden’s ‘I’m Ron Burgundy?’ moment:
“With fear for our democracy, I dissent. End of quote.”
*Smash cut to Ron Klain*
“Damnit!” pic.twitter.com/6LL3evpRJU

— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) July 2, 2024

It’s a mistake he’s made in the past, so you’d think he’d learn and adapt, but no.

Best Ron Burgundy Biden yet…


— John LeFevre (@JohnLeFevre) May 25, 2024

OMG. You can’t deny that Joe Biden is not all there. He’s like Ron Burgundy in Anchorman, he will read ANYTHING you put on the teleprompter. He actually read “end of quote”. He’s losing his mind! pic.twitter.com/Vx3le56UG4

— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) September 4, 2020

Biden, reading from his teleprompter:

“Four more years. Pause?”

I’m Ron Burgundy???pic.twitter.com/1oze8148BT

— Geiger Capital (@Geiger_Capital) April 24, 2024

In fact, Biden makes the blunder so frequently that Trump has taken to calling it out at his campaign rallies.


Trump Makes Fun of Joe Biden’s Ron Burgundy Moment [PAUSE]

I just love this guy… don’t you?
🤣🤣😂😅https://t.co/q7vXl6kqX8 pic.twitter.com/DFk43y9sqe

— MJTruthUltra (@MJTruthUltra) May 1, 2024

Biden’s air-headed blooper is currently the least of Democrats’ worries, as the party has the difficult decision of swapping him out less than 125 days until the election.

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