Horst D. Deckert

Scumbag Joe Biden Lies To Parents Of US Soldier Who Just Died In Jordan, Says Son Beau Died In Iraq

‘My son spent a year in Iraq; that’s how I lost him.’

Senile puppet politician Joe Biden called the family of U.S. soldier Spc. Kennedy Sanders, who recently died in a drone attack while serving in Jordan, and claimed he could resonate with their loss because he too had a child die while serving overseas.

While Biden repeatedly tells military families he lost his son Beau in Iraq, he actually died of brain cancer in 2015.

Joe Biden tells the parents of one of the soldiers who died in Syria over the weekend that he lost his son Beau in Iraq.

His son died of brain cancer five years after returning from Iraq.

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) February 1, 2024

After informing Sanders’ parents she is being posthumously promoted to the rank of Sergeant, Biden told them “It means a lot to me. My son spent a year in Iraq; that’s how I lost him.”

The habitual liar Sleepy Joe has been telling the fib in front of Gold Star families for years now.

President @JoeBiden incorrectly said his late son Beau “lost his life in Iraq.” https://t.co/oZ9GRyRjcI pic.twitter.com/8OvjbQgUaT

— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) October 12, 2022

Listen to Sgt. Tyler Vargas-Andrews recount when the President visited him in the hospital after his arm was blown off during the explosion at the Kabul airport in Afghanistan.

Joe Biden is an asshole. pic.twitter.com/yjRlqaMmqm

— Vanessa (@Nessakins_) August 8, 2023

An interesting thing to note regarding Beau Biden’s death is that Joe allegedly believes toxins found in smoke from burning tar pits at U.S. military installations around the world contributed to his brain cancer.

So, the very same military industrial-complex that controls Joe Biden is likely responsible for the death of his son and yet he continues sending people like Kennedy Sanders to die for globalist causes.

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