Horst D. Deckert

Soros Poured $15M of ‘Dark Money’ Into Biden-Linked Non-Profit

Billionaire globalist provided vast sums to help install Biden in White House

A hefty chunk of ‘dark money’ from a group bankrolled by George Soros – the ‘face’ of Western soft power campaigns for decades – was shelled out last year as part of an effort to get Joe Biden reelected in 2024Fox News reported.

A nonprofit called the Open Society Policy Center lodged within the web of the Soros-funded Open Society Foundations network forked out $15.18 million to the 81-year-old Democrat’s nonprofit – Future Forward USA Action – to cover the costs of research and “content testing on critical policy issues,” according to tax documents seen by the outlet.

For those wondering what Future Forward USA Action is, the organization is an affiliate of the Future Forward USA political action committee (PAC), also known as “FF PAC.” The latter is a Democratic Party-aligned super PAC based in California. As for the Future Forward USA Action nonprofit, which shrouds its donors in secrecy, it is a crucial fundraising vehicle, tasked with raking in dark money to try to propel Biden, whose dismal approval rating has been hovering at around 40% in the latest polls, to another term in the White House.

According to records from the Federal Election Commission, Future Forward USA Action siphoned $77 million worth of dark funds into the Future Forward PAC since the 2020 election. This represents over 40% of the total funds raised by the Biden super PAC, which reached approximately $181 million. The findings indicate that a significant portion of the funds supporting Biden originated from this affiliated ‘dark money’ nonprofit.

For someone who claims to disdain dark money, President Biden seems quite comfortable with the kind of dark money propping up an outside group spending big to push his agenda,” Caitlin Sutherland, executive director of Americans for Public Trust, was cited by the outlet as saying, adding:

“George Soros’ projects are notorious for pushing policies that undermine safety, democracy and the rule of law. By funneling money through this Biden-tied group, Soros is signaling that he and Biden are birds of a feather.”

From Market Maker to ‘Kingmaker’

The fact that Soros’ money is being channeled towards giving the octogenarian currently in the White House a leg up in the 2024 elections is hardly newsworthy, though.

The Hungarian-born self-styled liberal philanthropist along with his Open Society Foundations (OSF) has played a significant role as a primary soft power tool used by US and European foreign policy from around the mid-1980s. Billions of dollars have been flooded into supporting Democratic political campaigns, with activities ranging from providing generous grants to political parties pushing liberal, pro-Western politics, to bankrolling media outlets, think tanks, academia, and publishing houses. More recently, in the run-up to the 2024 elections in the US, OSF and Soros have been pouring scathing criticism upon Donald Trump, and linked to financing of the election campaigns of judges, including some of those currently seeking to prosecute the 45th President.

It was revealed last year in a spate of memos from a Soros-linked Washington, DC-based nonprofit that the man who made his fortune off currency manipulations helped formulate policies of the-then incoming Biden administration on issues ranging from education, healthcare and the environment to housing and labor.

The financier with a long and convoluted history of soft power “philanthropy” originally embarked upon the road of twisted, manipulative politics in the 1980s. At the time, he provided funding for groups promoting radical political, economic, and institutional reforms in the communist nations of Eastern Europe and the USSR. However, his appetite for string-pulling grew stronger, as he ramped up his activities after the collapse of the Eastern Bloc in 1989 and the end of the Soviet Union in 1991. In Ukraine, for example, the OSF played a crucial role in financially supporting and bolstering the so-called “revolutionaries” during both the Orange Revolution of 2004 and the Euromaidan coup in 2014.

Russia was a trailblazer when it came to cracking down on Soros’ schemes, banning the OSF and its affiliates in 2015. Turkiye followed, by banning the OSF in late 2018, citing the NGO’s meddling in domestic politics, and that same year the Hungarian parliament issued a series of measures aimed at forcing the OSF to close down its operations in Soros’ native Hungary.

Earlier this year, George Soros’ 37-year-old son Alexander took over the reins of his father’s $25 billion business and soft power philanthropy empire, having replaced him as the OSF’s chairman in late 2022.

Vivek Ramaswamy joins The Alex Jones Show to talk about the populist movement making its way around the globe.

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