Horst D. Deckert

Sunday Emergency Broadcast: UN Weapons Inspectors Warn Iran Already Has Atomic Weapons, Caution Biden Admin Not to Escalate

Meanwhile, Biden promises hell to pay after 3 US troops killed by Iranian-backed Hezbollah drone, plus former CDC officials now admitting COVID vax linked to AIDS-like symptoms — tune in for this powerful transmission!

Alex Jones breaks down how neocons and the Biden regime are suggesting a nuclear strike against Iran following a drone attack at a U.S. military base in Jordan that killed several service members and wounded over a dozen others.

Sunday Emergency Broadcast: UN Weapons Inspectors Warn Iran Already Has Atomic Weapons, Caution Biden Admin Not to Escalate https://t.co/uajhoBNLGK

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) January 28, 2024

Tune into this live broadcast at MadMaxWorld.TV and spread the word!

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