Horst D. Deckert

‘The First Amendment Is Out of Control’ – NY Times Piece By Ex-Obama & Biden Official

<div>‘The First Amendment Is Out of Control’ – NY Times Piece By Ex-Obama & Biden Official</div>

Former presidential advisor triggered government can’t have MORE CONTROL over free speech.

The New York Times published an op-ed on Tuesday that claims the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution “is out of control.”

The article was authored by legal scholar Tim Wu, a Columbia law professor who served on the National Economic Council under both the Obama and Biden administrations.

Wu basically wrote Biden’s 2021 Executive Order on Competition.

In his NY Times piece, Wu argued American judges have twisted the free speech amendment into “an all-purpose tool of legislative nullification that now mostly protects corporate interests.”

He claims, “Monday’s Supreme Court decision in the two NetChoice cases” have added to complications with the First Amendment by viewing social media company algorithms as equivalent to “expressive decisions made by human editors at newspapers.”

It seems as if Wu is trying to place the blame of censorship on the algorithms and not the far-left employees who made the technology biased or the politicians who have been caught ordering companies to censor certain information.

One sentence in Wu’s article gets to the bottom of his real fear, which his that the overgrown U.S. bureaucracy may soon be trimmed down.

The ex-government official wrote, “The judiciary needs to realize that the First Amendment is spinning out of control. It is beginning to threaten many of the essential jobs of the state, such as protecting national security and the safety and privacy of its citizens.”

Notice Wu also added a dash of fearmongering to his argument by claiming true free speech online is somehow a threat to “national security.”

The author alleged the SCOTUS NetChoice ruling “weakens the ability of the government to regulate so-called common carriers like railroads and airlines.”

So, again Wu is upset the government is losing power.

While attempting to show support for We The People, the bureaucrat’s only solutions are to give more power to the corrupt and incompetent government.

He wrote, “In a democracy, the people ought to have the right to react to and control” Big Tech companies, he wrote, adding, “But thanks to the Supreme Court, the First Amendment has become a barrier to the government’s ability to do that. Free speech rights have been hijacked to suppress the sovereignty of humans in favor of the power of companies and machines.”

The strange op-ed was harshly criticized online:

The First Amendment is coming home at 4am after spending all day and night at casinos and blowing its winnings on hookers and coke. pic.twitter.com/cyEvAyoLdC

— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) July 2, 2024

The New York Times: The Times pledged “to give the news impartially, without fear or favor, regardless of party, sect, or interests involved.”

Also The New York Times: The First Amendment Is Out Of Control pic.twitter.com/zAsFJrhd19

— Kevin Dalton (@TheKevinDalton) July 2, 2024

The side that claims to be protecting democracy wants to cancel elections, drone their political opponents, and thinks the First Amendment is bad. pic.twitter.com/Fst4oHj4rw

— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) July 2, 2024

This New York Times op-ed, written by a Columbia law professor–a former member of Biden’s National Economic Council, says the quiet part out loud. They want censorship. Big time.

You might think it’s hyperbolic or that the title is clickbait and unrepresentative of its… pic.twitter.com/y6lO763qv6

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) July 2, 2024

“The first amendment is out of control because it makes the government’s job harder!”
That’s the whole point of the first amendment you absolute retard.

I don’t want the government to protect me I want it to get out of my way. These people are a joke and should be mocked. pic.twitter.com/N6h7nWIZte

— Royce Lopez (@hippojuicefilm) July 2, 2024

A controlled First Amendment is no First Amendment. pic.twitter.com/OpKYXIbKp1

— Michael Quinn Sullivan 🇺🇸 (@MQSullivan) July 2, 2024

The New York Times is out of control.

The article is about social media and lack of censorship.

What the author of the article doesn’t mention is the real issue. Leftists are raging that they are no longer the gatekeepers on “facts”. They don’t get to control the narrative… pic.twitter.com/OoCt1XTcnh

— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) July 2, 2024

“The First Amendment is spinning out of control. It is beginning to threaten many of the essential jobs of the state…”

Written by a special assistant to Biden for tech policy.

God forbid the Constitution should hinder the state… pic.twitter.com/NZ0KiH0NX1

— The Wandering Investor (@wander_investor) July 2, 2024

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