Horst D. Deckert

The Shape of Things To Come

We know what’s going to happen come November

On Saturday, Nigel Farage got a nasty shock.

A little over a week out from the UK election, Reform’s Google Ads account was suspended, without warning. Farage’s Reform party has been polling consistently better than the Conservatives, making it the second most popular party in the country.

Farage took straight to Twitter to let the world know that Google was deliberately trying to prevent Reform from reaching the British people.

“Election interference alert,” he wrote.

“Big Tech giant @Google has BLOCKED our Ad Accounts.

“They are trying to stop the Reform message.”

Replies to the post were flooded with messages of support.

“They don’t want Europe rising up,” wrote one user.

Another mentioned Farage’s recent comments about the war in Ukraine, and NATO’s part in provoking it, as a possible reason for the suspension.

“You were right about Ukraine, Nigel. They are going to throw everything at you now to stop a revolt. Just don’t give up.”

Whatever Farage did behind the scenes, it worked. Ninety minutes later, he was back on Twitter, claiming victory: Google had reinstated the ad account. A mistake, apparently.

Perhaps it really was a mistake. A jumpy algorithm, perhaps. Or even a good ol’ fashioned bit of human error (remember that?).

Forgive me if I’m skeptical. Like Nigel himself and the countless people who responded to his initial post, it’s pretty clear to me these mistakes only ever happen to individuals and parties on one side of the political aisle.

When was the last time you heard of the Liberal Democrats or the Democrats in the US having an ad account suspended or being debanked or getting a copyright strike or content warning?


It just never happens. It’s always the right on the receiving end, whether the “mistake” eventually gets reversed or not. And as often as not it doesn’t.

This little storm in a teacup is a warning about the British election, and the stakes involved in preventing the emergence of a genuine right-wing movement in Britain—one that, above all, is anti-immigration and pro national sovereignty—and it’s also, of course, a warning about the US election this November.

There’s been plenty of focus in recent weeks and months on the kind of dirty tricks the left will play to ensure a Trump second term doesn’t happen. Since 2020 worked so well, it’s safe to assume that the steal will take a similar form. The “secret shadow campaign to save the 2024 election” will look much like the “secret shadow campaign to save the 2020 election.”

Hell, we’ve even got the prospect of another pandemic hanging over our heads, as fresh reports of bird flu in dairy herds are used by familiar frauds like Dr Deborah Birx to make calls for mass PCR testing—sure to drive up case numbers exponentially and get people really worried—and the WHO labels any death it can a bird-flu death.

A fat Mexican dude died in his bed? Quick! Call it bird flu!

 If you don’t want people voting in person, if you want mail-in ballots and effortless voter fraud to be the norm, I’d say a pandemic is about the best way to do that.

Things will be different, no doubt, because the stakes are even greater and the momentum behind Trump really does feel unstoppable, whatever the mainstream media says.

That’s why there have been barely veiled threats against Trump for months. Just before Christmas, I wrote a piece for Human Events about the possibility of a “Brutus option” being used to stop Trump. Why else would everybody from MSN and Business Insider to Deep State mouthpieces like Robert Kagan—husband of a certain Victoria Nuland—be asking the same question, “What happens when a presidential candidate dies on the trail?” and making direct parallels to the history of the late Roman Republic and the man who ended it, Julius Caesar? Every schoolboy used to know what happened to Julius Caesar and at the hands and daggers of whom. They want you to know that American democracy is worth killing for, and they want you to know who to kill, too.

We must expect Big Tech to play a big role in trying to prevent Trump from winning. We already know they have the power to censor, to obfuscate, to divert and to isolate Trump, and we know how effective those tactics, by turns and all together, can be.

Remember: 2016 happened because the regime didn’t see it coming. Donald Trump was a buffoon. A sideshow. A man with funny hair and a bad tan. Not the leader of the free world. Not the American president.

Now, like in 2020, they know what could happen and they know what to do. They’re ready.

Still, some things are different, and they should give us hope. Importantly, the left no longer controls Twitter, which was certainly not the case in 2020. Removing the sitting president from the world’s digital public square, preventing him from reaching his followers as only Trump could, was one of the killing blows against him, if not the coup de grace. All hopes of stopping the steal were terminated with his Twitter account.

How effective a counter to Google, Facebook, Amazon and pretty much every other Big Tech platform Twitter will be, is anybody’s guess. But whatever can be done to limit the ability of Big Tech to interfere in the election should be done. None of us can pretend we don’t know what’s coming. We’ve already seen the shape of things to come.

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