Horst D. Deckert

Thousands Of Farmers Surround EU Headquarters, Use Tractors To Remove Police Barricades, Spray Officers With Manure – Watch!

European farmers growing increasingly upset with tyrants running their lives, destroying food supply

Wild footage coming out of Brussels, Belgium, shows thousands of pissed-off farmers battling with police and trashing the surrounding area outside the European Union headquarters building.

The group was protesting EU agriculture ministers who are passing measures to destroy European society.

In several videos, the farmers can be seen using their equipment to remove barricades placed in the streets by police.

JUST IN: ⚠️ Farmers outside the EU headquarters NOW PHYSICALLY REMOVING POLICE BARRICADES with tractors..

CORPORATE MEDIA SILENT..pic.twitter.com/09hJ47Ya93

— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) February 26, 2024


Police tried to stop the farmers from protesting outside the EU headquarters in Brussels.

Farmers used their tractors to break through the police barriers.pic.twitter.com/IMRKYv85WJ

— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) February 26, 2024

Police brought in vehicles with water cannons to try and stop the demonstration.

Thousands of farmers are blockading the city of Brussels and protesting outside the EU headquarters.

SHARE – Did you hear about this on in the media? ?pic.twitter.com/xFiv9bdek4

— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) February 26, 2024

In one area outside the EU headquarters liquid manure was sprayed all over police officers, and piles of tires were set on fire.

This is pretty intense. Farmers in Brussels are spraying feed at police officers, who respond with water cannons. pic.twitter.com/JNb2QbytqL

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) February 26, 2024

EU headquarters in Brussels. European farmers are not joking. pic.twitter.com/RwgGwodX6i

— RadioGenoa (@RadioGenoa) February 26, 2024

Given how widespread the farmers protests are all across Europe, the EU is either going to have to relent—which it won’t—or enact even more severe measures against them, and deal with them like the Soviets did with the kulaks.

Farmers represent the final bastion of liberty in… pic.twitter.com/DqY0lOnbYN

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) February 26, 2024

A Sky News journalist reported live from the scene:

“Many farmers feel like they haven’t been listened to in years”.

Sky’s @adamparsons reports from outside the EU headquarters in Brussels, as agricultural ministers are set to meet to discuss farmers’ demands.https://t.co/2oDoLXjbCS

? Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 pic.twitter.com/j9hW8XbToY

— Sky News (@SkyNews) February 26, 2024

In Madrid, Spain, thousands more farmers demonstrated outside the EU Commission in solidarity with the Brussels farmers protesting globalist policies.

??? Madrid, Spain

Thousands of Farmers supported by even more protestors are making their way to outside the EU Commission, in protest of undemocratic idiotic Climate Legislation which will BANKRUPT farmers across the country.

This is intentional – The State is looking to… pic.twitter.com/9pT2DrqZAX

— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) February 26, 2024

?? Spaanse boeren arriveren bij het hoofdkwartier van de Europese Commissie in Madrid.pic.twitter.com/PiMgHdA58r

— Kees (@Kees71234) February 26, 2024

The elite are waging a war on the global food supply while simultaneously pushing and creating lab-grown dystopian “food” so they can fully control the food supply.

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