Horst D. Deckert

Top Yale Epidemiologist Accuses Bioweapons Industry of Exploiting COVID Virus & Vaccines for Continued Funding

‘What I believe is that both the virus origin cover-up and the forced vaccination of the entire planet or orchestrated to protect the integrity of the bioweapons industry,’ said Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health Dr. Harvey Risch.

A top epidemiologist at Yale University says both the COVID-19 virus and COVID vaccines were products of the bioweapons industry, which has used the pandemic to prop itself up by making it appear as though it was working to serve the public good.

According to Yale Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology Dr. Harvey Risch, the COVID-19 leak from a US-funded bioweapons lab in Wuhan, China, provided the perfect pretext for the bioweapons industry to justify its existence by stepping in and posing as humanity’s savior.

The revelations came during a roundtable meeting dubbed, “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?” hosted by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) on Monday.

? Dr. Harvey Risch Says the COVID Virus & Vaccines Were Used to Justify Continued Funding of the U.S. Bioweapons Industry

“This work and the WIV leak was what I consider to be the fruit of our bioweapons industry that has been performing secretive and nefarious biological… pic.twitter.com/AtU1bGCY0t

— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) February 26, 2024

Amid the discussion, Dr. Risch explained the bioweapons industry long ago exploited a loophole in the Biological Weapons Convention treaty of 1975 which allowed for “small quantities of offensive bioweapons…to be developed in order to do research on vaccine countermeasures.”

“This loophole was then exploited by our bioweapons industry for the last 50 years,” Dr. Risch described, adding, “The bioweapons treaty limited offensive bioweapons to agents that would address vaccine development, so-called dual-use agents or dual-use research. And this was the premise and motivation of the various virology grant applications…”

The Yale professor also pointed out commercial vaccines are typically deployed before a pandemic starts, “not in the middle of one.”

“So, my hypothesis, what I believe is that both the virus origin cover-up and the forced vaccination of the entire planet or orchestrated to protect the integrity of the bioweapons industry,” said Risch.

Risch explains the virus’s origins had to be covered up by the industry because “Once the general public understood the reckless and cavalier behavior of this industry that had operated under a false and misrepresented pretense of vaccine development that has never been successfully commercially realized it would then clamor to shut down the industry. And so the suppression of knowledge of the industry’s reckless involvement in the Wuhan leak is an obvious cover-up and we have proof of that cover-up…”

He continued:

“And my conclusion then is: the reason why the whole population had to be vaccinated is to show that the bioweapons industry supposedly did have a rationale of vaccine development as part of its claim to dual-use research. The vaccines then are the evidence that the bioweapons industry was properly justified from the beginning. Without a successful vaccine to show for itself in the time of a pandemic crisis, especially one caused by a leak from a bioweapons industry source itself, it would be clear to everyone that the rationale for the industry’s existence was a fraud in the first place. And so the COVID vaccines themselves supplied the defense against the charge that the bioweapons industry was not actually dual -use, but offensive only, violating the 1975 treaty.

“So the vaccines had to be dramatically pushed out to be the universal solution to show that the bio weapons industry was actually working for the public good and in this context, it did not matter what collateral damage the vaccines caused. All or had to be was the public thinking public thought of this theater that the industry had been doing its work to produce usable vaccines not offensive bio weapons.”

The roundtable, which also featured mRNA expert Dr. Robert Malone and entrepreneur Ed Dowd, is Sen. Johnson’s latest effort to get answers for the American people and expose the truth behind the government’s involvement in the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent vaccine rollout.

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