Horst D. Deckert

Trudeau’s Government Gave $440,000 to Private SJW Community Organizer Group

The Canadian government is funding a private Social Justice Warrior community organizing group to do things it is unable to do.

The ‘Canadian Anti-Hate Network’ (AntiHate) received a $440,000 (CAD) grant from the liberal Trudeau government, according to a press release put out by the Social Justice Warrior (SJW) organization Tuesday.

AntiHate said the funds will be utilized ‘to help good neighbours find each other and organize against hate’, according to the press release. The money was supplied by the Canadian government’s Canadian Heritage department with a grant from the Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program.

“Over the past five years, we have seen time and time again how involving a greater number of people in anti-hate activities makes communities – and allies – safer,” the press release said.

According to the press release, the specific ‘hate’ that the community organizers seek to battle is that of racism, but the group also seeks to combat those who hate the gay sex pride movement as well.

They provided a grant agreement document that went more in-depth on the specifics of the operations they are carrying out.


While section 2 of the grant agreement document described proposed activities such as on-the-ground community organizing to influencing social media figures and tracking the impact made by doing so, section 3 described the results they expect to see from their activities.


Of note, one expected result the group has is the gathering of intelligence (updates) on ‘far-right’ political movements, likely referring to groups that oppose liberal polices such as lockdowns, vaccine mandates, gay sex pride, and farm shutdowns. They seek to share this information with a broader audience, raising the risk of potentially spreading false or misleading information against those they politically oppose.

“We will not let the far-right erode democracy and make their perceived enemies, especially people in equity-deserving communities, feel unsafe in Canada,” the press release said.

While the group specifically mentioned that they will target those they consider ‘far-right’, they also conflictingly claimed to be apolitical and independent of a political persuasion.

“Anybody is welcome in our pro-democracy and anti-hate space, regardless of political affiliation, who shares these values and envisions a future free from hate,” the press release said. “CAHN is an independent organization and has never taken direction from any political party or its agents. CAHN never has, and never will, accept funding that comes with conditions which would impact its independence.”

The Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program which is funding AntiHate seeks to promote forced multiculturalism and ban the resulting hate towards it, effectively controlling the activities of the Canadian mind.


Opposition to the organization pointed out that the ‘diversity’ and ‘inclusion’ AntiHate seeks is diversity into sinful behavior and the inclusion of an anti-Christian ethos.

The Canadian Anti-Hate Network just received a $440K grant from the Trudeau Liberal Government to “organize against hate.”

The problem with this group is that it appears to include on its list of “haters” those who are opposed to the anti-life and anti-family ideologies of the… pic.twitter.com/hnpiomI14i

— Pro-life Canadian Man (@PeteBaklinski) June 19, 2024

This opposition is not unfounded either, as the group recently lambasted a pro-life group protesting the 2SLGBTQ+ gay sex pride agenda, which Infowars previously reported on garnering massive funding from the Canadian government as well.

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