Horst D. Deckert

Tyson Foods Announces Partnership With BUG Company Protix to “Support Growth of Emerging Insect Ingredient Industry”

Amid grocery price increases and unprecedented food industry attacks, bugs are becoming a staple meal item promoted by the corporate world government.

If you purchase store-bought food items of the processed variety, beware: there could be insect ingredients hiding in the formula, thanks to a new agreement between processed chicken giant Tyson Foods and Protix, an insect ingredients company.

A twofold investment agreement forged between Tyson and Protix will allow the processed food industry to hide newfangled bug ingredients in their labels by creating an efficient and “sustainable” system of insect protein and lipids production for the entire global food system.

Using a direct equity investment, Tyson will acquire a minority stake in Protix to help fund its massive global expansion, creating a steady supply of insect and bug ingredients that will be forced on the entire planet – except for the food plates of the globalists, of course, who will still be fine-dining on steak and caviar to their empty-hearts’ content.

Tyson and Protix have entered a joint venture for the construction and operation of an insect ingredient manufacturing facility here in the United States, which reports indicate will be the first of its kind “to upcycle food manufacturing byproducts into high-quality insect proteins and lipids which will primarily be used in the pet food, aquaculture and livestock industries.”

“Our partnership with Protix represents the latest strategic investment by Tyson Foods in groundbreaking solutions that drive added value to Tyson Foods’ business,” announced John R. Tyson, chief financial officer of Tyson and the same guy who last year wandered drunk and uninvited into a college student’s bed before she called the police on him.

“The insect lifecycle provides the opportunity for full circularity within our value chain, strengthening our commitment to building a more sustainable food system for the future.”

The Earth is smiling!

Tyson Foods Announces Partnership with Protix, Construction of Insect Ingredient Facilityhttps://t.co/w9sZUAWpOH

— Marc Morano (@ClimateDepot) February 24, 2024

(Related: During the Wuhan coronavirus [COVID-19] “pandemic,” Tyson Foods mandated spike protein injections on all of its employees – did Tyson workers then shed spike proteins into Tyson chicken products?)

Globalists see non-globalists as human livestock

Do not be fooled by the claim that these bug byproduct ingredients are strictly for animals. Globalists look at non-globalists — meaning non-one-percenters and everyday folks who are not filthy rich — as being the equivalent of human livestock, so you can be sure these insect parts are destined for your dinner plate as well.

Tyson would not be building a massive U.S. facility with an “enclosed system designed to support all aspects of insect protein production including the breeding, incubating and hatching of insect larvae” if this entire operation was not also intended to feed the tens of millions of “useless eaters” that the globalists eventually want to kill off once they are done exploiting their human slaves for profit.

“Next thing you know they will tell you that these things go well with Soylent Green!” joked one person on X about Tyson’s insect ventures, referring to the 1973 sci-fi thriller film about people eating “soylent green,” aka people.

“Guess I’m never eating Tyson products again,” noted another, with several others in agreement that they, too, are done purchasing and eating Tyson products.

“Insects are not designed for the human digestive system,” noted another about how humans cannot consume and derive any benefits from bugs. “If it was, it would already have been on the menu several hundred years ago. Humans and birds are very, very, very different.”

“Tyson Foods is disgusting,” said someone else. “They very inhumanely slaughter animals to make their inferior products.”

The globalists are moving full-steam ahead with their insect “food” agenda. More on that can be found at Globalism.news.

Sources for this article include:



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