Horst D. Deckert

Unhinged Leftists Claim Trump Assassination Staged!

Apparently it’s only okay for the left to question deadly shootings.

From Hollywood actors to Democrat politicians, the far-left is becoming increasingly demented in the aftermath of Saturday’s attempted assassination of Donald Trump.

Actor John Cusack claimed to “hate conspiracy theories” before stating there’s “zero chance” Secret Service didn’t cover the roof the shooter climbed onto.

He also suggested the Secret Service wouldn’t have stopped “for a photo op” after Trump was shot in the ear.

“I hate conspiracy theories because they avoid the open conspiracies we see with our eyes – for rabbit hole nonsense – that said – It’s unthinkable that the secret service doesn’t cover the ONE ROOF staring at the stage – zero chance . Also, no secret service action in history lets the candidate stop for a photo op – they cover the body and move it off site about as fast and completely as possible to imagine – see Regan assassination attempt. Makes zero sense.”

I hate conspiracy theories
because they avoid the open conspiracies we see with our eyes – for rabbit hole nonsense –
that said – It’s unthinkable that the secret service doesn’t cover the ONE ROOF staring at the stage – zero chance .
Also, no secret service action in…

— John Cusack (@johncusack) July 16, 2024

“Star Wars” actor Mark Hammill posted an image of Trump wearing a bandage over his ear at Monday’s Republican National Convention, writing, “1st APPEARANCE of ludicrously oversized ear bandage, apparently not needed prior to tonight.”

The comment suggests Trump is faking his injury and the laughing emoji certainly makes light of the assassination attempt.

1st APPEARANCE of ludicrously oversized ear bandage, apparently not needed prior to tonight. 👂🤣 pic.twitter.com/Fkc83h3jBN

— Mark Hamill (@MarkHamill) July 16, 2024

The Democrat Mayor of Aberdeen, Washington, wrote on Facebook, “Ears bleed alot [sic]. I hope they check to make sure it wasn’t just a self inflicted scratch. The shooter is dead so we will never know if it was staged. Not buying it quite yet Any way [sic] you look at it, it was a horrific act. Short of Biden dieing [sic], this is about the only thing that could happen that would artificially gain Trump sympathy votes. I hope I’m wrong, but because of his record of deceit, that’s the first thing that came to mind.”

Random Democrat internet users also pushed the staged shooting narrative, with many posts raking in millions of views.

This video insinuating the Trump assassination attempt was staged has nearly 8 million views, 1.5 million likes, and tens of thousands of comments in agreement

Wasn’t Alex Jones ordered to pay $1 billion in damages for saying the same thing about Sandy Hook? pic.twitter.com/DCUPIavHf9

— Ashley St. Clair (@stclairashley) July 15, 2024

This smug tiktoker is very sad that the sh**ter missed and suggests it was staged.

They want us all dead. pic.twitter.com/PsARmoUhMf

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) July 15, 2024

25,000 likes on this post claiming Trump staged it. pic.twitter.com/IgNh0spPzm

— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) July 16, 2024

If you don’t think that shit was staged? Look at how fast they got trump outta there at just the mention of someone in the crowd having a gun in 2016. Then look at this goofy as shit. pic.twitter.com/zqZMHRO5jT

— Ok (@FirstName736928) July 14, 2024

Lakota Man should be sued in the same fashion as @RealAlexJones. As well as all the other influencers (who are PAID to influence) who suggested and ARE STILL suggesting that this was staged.

The families with lost or injured loved ones deserve that at least. pic.twitter.com/6w5dNMLXbp

— Sarah Fields (@SarahisCensored) July 15, 2024

Several people pointed out Alex Jones was sued for a billion dollars over his comments about the Sandy Hook school shooting and suggested some of the individuals saying the Trump shooting was staged could be in legal trouble.

Responding to a meme about this concept, Jones wrote on X, “The internet questioned the shooting 11 years ago. I only gave my opinion on the controversy. People are allowed to question anything they want. You can see the Trump shooting is real, but people have a right to not believe it. What was done to me by rigged courts should not be used to kill the 1st amendment.”

The internet questioned the shooting 11 years ago. I only gave my opinion on the controversy. People are allowed to question anything they want. You can see the Trump shooting is real, but people have a right to not believe it. What was done to me by rigged courts should not be… https://t.co/WbERGhElKX

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) July 15, 2024

Journalist James Klüg posted a video where he interviewed Americans following the attempted Trump assassination, revealing many leftists are subscribing to the idea that the shooting was “staged” by the 45th President.

BLUEANON: A shocking amount of Dems are fully on board with “Trump staged the assassination”, blaming him for casualties at the rally.

One man even saying the blood on Trump’s ear was drawn by secret service when they ran to cover him. pic.twitter.com/u9foz3QKBH

— James Klüg (@realJamesKlug) July 16, 2024

Many conservatives condemned the leftists for spreading the ridiculous accusations:

Pro-Democrat influencers are spreading another viral lie that Trump faked the attempted assassination shooting that killed a man and critically injured two.

They’re using a 2022 photo and falsely saying it was taken at the RNC. Posts like these have been viewed millions of… pic.twitter.com/Rfc0j082qO

— Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) July 16, 2024

While libs were calling this “staged” and “the worst acting they have ever seen” this man #CoreyComperatore gave his life to protect his family

Shame on you creeps for ever typing those words #RIPCoreyComperatore pic.twitter.com/TAzLyDgTSv

— Ƒʉͫcͧкͭιͪηͣ 𝔟к (@__bee_kay__) July 15, 2024

And the national media is not covering this. https://t.co/awXrwXtvf7

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) July 16, 2024

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