Horst D. Deckert

VIDEO: CBS Reporter Warns of ‘Black Swan Event’ in 2024, “A National Security Crisis with Unpredictable High Impact”

We all know something big is coming and the establishment is telling the public via predictive programming

Alex Jones breaks down how America may face an unprecedented “Black Swan event” in 2024 a national security crisis with unpredictable high impact – as CBS News investigative reporter Catherine Herridge predicted on Sunday.

The Globalist are desperate. You better believe they are going to throw everything they have at humanity in the next 10 months. Let’s list the False Flags that we can already see them cooking up below. Public awareness can stop them dead in their tracks! https://t.co/7ojtPbz7YD

— Alex Jones (@RealAlexJones) December 26, 2023

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