Horst D. Deckert

Video Depicts Joe Biden Comm Team Chaos After Numerous Speech Blunders (Parody)

Video Depicts Joe Biden Comm Team Chaos After Numerous Speech Blunders (Parody)

After disastrous NAACP speech, Biden White House had to issue an astonishing 9 corrections to his remarks.

A hilarious satire video by a female comedian purports to depict the chaos endured by members of Joe Biden’s communications team following the numerous blunders he made at a recent speaking event.

“Joe’s comms team” 👇 pic.twitter.com/2Ox2xRRSjS

— Conservative Momma (@conmomma) May 21, 2024

During a campaign speech delivered to the NAACP in Detroit, Michigan, this week, the Biden team had to issue an astonishing 9 corrections to Biden’s remarks, despite him reading the script directly off a teleprompter.

Look at this, White House makes 9 brutal corrections to Biden‘s NAACP speech and he was reading it using a teleprompter 🤦🏻‍♀️ pic.twitter.com/m9N6jHaBDU

— RaRa ✝️🇺🇸☝🏻 (@RealRaniaToni) May 21, 2024

CLEAN UP ON AISLE BIDEN: White House forced to make corrections to President Biden’s NAACP speech 9 times, despite the president using a teleprompter. pic.twitter.com/FyVeNkVbEh

— Fox News (@FoxNews) May 21, 2024

Biden’s dementia-ridden antics have become a favorite target of former President Donald Trump’s masterful trolling efforts.

Trump just posted this meme to Truth Social.

New and updated with extra hilarity.pic.twitter.com/m4I572lbVb

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) May 21, 2024

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