Horst D. Deckert

Video: Obama Advisor Tells CNN OJ Simpson Represented Black People Because He Killed Whites

Racist remark widely criticized online.

In a shocking clip being spread online, Obama White House Senior Policy Advisor Ashley Allison claimed recently-deceased celebrity O.J. Simpson “represented something for the black community” because he killed two white people.

Allison first noted Simpson was not a civil rights activist or “a social justice leader,” before alleging, “He represented something for the black community in that moment, in that trial, particularly because there were two white people killed.”

CNN really aired this clip on OJ Simpson:

“He wasn’t a social justice leader, but he represented something for the black community, particularly because there were two white people killed. And the history around black people persecuted during slavery.”pic.twitter.com/PPxGHQt8th

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) April 12, 2024

The ex-presidential advisor then alleged there was racial tension during the O.J. trial and that there is still racial tension in America.

She said the racial tension can’t be fixed until America has an honest conversation about black citizens and that more “moments like O.J. Simpson” will manifest until that happens.

This is the type of thinking that is plaguing the top tiers of the Democrat Party.

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