Horst D. Deckert

Watch: Biden Delivers Nonsensical July 4th Speech, Claims Traffic Congestion Is Gone

Only person in Biden’s corner is Gen Z influencer paid by White House who hasn’t gotten memo campaign is cooked.

Joe Biden delivered a July 4th speech outside the White House Thursday attempting to show he’s still mentally fit after last week’s disastrous debate, however he might have made matters worse.

During an impromptu speech, Biden stumbled over his words multiple times and struggled to maintain his train of thought, leaving Democrats apprehensive over the prospect he will remain the party’s nominee facing off against Donald Trump in November.

In one particularly troublesome part of the event where Biden went teleprompter-free, which was inexplicably promoted by paid White House Gen Z influencer Harry Sisson, he appeared to say he wanted to wrap up the speech early and sneak out to let people waiting outside get in.

Here’s President Biden, with no teleprompter and no preparation, talking to the crowd at the White House for 4th of July today. Why isn’t the media covering this? They wanted unplanned, unscripted events and here he is. BIDEN 2024! pic.twitter.com/UkCAxJ9hZt

— Harry Sisson (@harryjsisson) July 5, 2024

“There’s 7,000 people waiting at the gate to get in. So if I don’t finish this, they can’t come in. So maybe if you’re hanging around, I’m going to sneak back out. That’s okay, all right? Thank you, thank you, thank you,” Biden told the crowd.

Next, in the same speech Biden appeared to confuse Independence Day with Memorial Day, saying,

“Remember that famous expression? Hello. They also serve who only stand and wait. I remember when our son was deployed, my wife would go to the stand in the sink in the morning drinking her coffee and saying that prayer, worrying, worrying, always concerned, and all of you. So we owe you.”

Finally, Biden in another non sequitur pivoted to claiming traffic congestion is a thing of the past, saying,

“One last thing. I used to think when I was a senator, there were always congestion on the highways. There’s no congestion anymore. None. We go on the highway, there’s no congestion. And so the way they get me to stop talking, they’ll say, We just shut down all the roads, Mr. President. You’re going to lose all the votes if you don’t get in. But anyway, I’ll be back out. Thank you.”

Elsewhere during the day, at an evening Fourth of July celebration Biden declared “Ho! Ho! Ho!” as VP Kamala Harris almost referred to him as “vice president.”

Overall, things seem to be going very well — for Republicans.

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