Horst D. Deckert

Watch: Biden Mouthpieces Defend Removing Texas’ Razor Wire Blocking Illegal Invasion

White House press secretary ridiculously claims Texas’ razor wire was ‘ineffective,’ says it ‘got in the way.’

Biden admin propagandists launched into full-spin mode Tuesday defending SCOTUS’ decision to allow the US Border Patrol to remove razor wire installed by Texas to prevent illegal crossings.

Speaking to reporters at a press briefing Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre asserted the Biden admin was “glad” SCOTUS revoked Texas’ right to defend its own borders, ridiculously claiming the razor wire prevented border agents from being able to “enforce laws.”

“And it got in the way, and what Texas was doing, the governor was doing was actually ineffective,” Jean-Pierre claimed.

WH press sec says she’s “glad” the “ineffective” razor wire at the Southern border was removed because it got “in the way”


— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) January 23, 2024

Tensions flared during the presser as Jean-Pierre also took personal shots at Fox News reporter Peter Doocy.

KJP: If you look at what he’s done these past 3 years… bipartisan infrastructure deal, many presidents before like your favorite president—

Doocy: Who’s my favorite president?

KJP: Why don’t we let the American people guess pic.twitter.com/7gDeR0llGq

— Acyn (@Acyn) January 22, 2024

Elsewhere in Tuesday’s press conference, Doocy held National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby’s feet to the fire, specifically asking, “Does razor wire work?”

Doocy: Does razor wire work to secure the border?

Kirby: “I don’t think so and that’s why we asked for it to be removed” pic.twitter.com/7v4AHmKc6p

— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) January 23, 2024

Evading the binary question, Kirby interestingly responded the razor wire doesn’t “work” to help Border Patrol agents “process people that are trying to get across the border.”

As for the question of whether the razor wire works, Texas Gov. Abbott (R) argued, “Texas’ razor wire is an effective deterrent to the illegal crossings Biden encourages.”

This is not over.

Texas’ razor wire is an effective deterrent to the illegal crossings Biden encourages.

I will continue to defend Texas’ constitutional authority to secure the border and prevent the Biden Admin from destroying our property.https://t.co/pV7Cuq57d1

— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) January 22, 2024

Moreover, Texas argued in court the razor wire serves the public interest by protecting private and state property, blocks fentanyl smuggling and human trafficking, as well as helps “minimize the risks to people, both U.S. citizens and migrants, of drowning while making perilous journeys to and through illegal points of entry.”

The Biden admin argued the razor wire in Eagle Pass, Texas, “effectively prevented … from monitoring the border to determine whether a migrant requires the emergency aid that the court of appeals expressly excepted from the injunction,” according to SCOTUS blog, after three migrants reportedly drowned in the area.

It’s clear the Biden admin’s gaslighting specialists do not have Americans’ best interests in mind.

Watch the full press briefing below:

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