Horst D. Deckert

Watch: CNN Host Can’t Respond When SD Gov. Kristi Noem Asks What Biden’s Done to Secure Border

CNN State of the Union Host Dana Bash couldn’t provide one example of something Biden’s done to deter illegal immigration.

A CNN host was stunned into an awkward silence after South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) asked her to name one thing Biden’s done to secure the border.

Describing how Joe Biden could help curtail the invasion without Congress simply by making an announcement discouraging illegal immigration, State of the Union host Dana Bash interjected Biden was playing Republicans’ game of negotiating a border security funding package.

NEW: What has Joe Biden done? He’s done nothing.
Kristi Noem pushes Dana Bash into silence on CNN. pic.twitter.com/FALGDHGZx5

— Craig R. Brittain (@RealBrittain) January 28, 2024

“I think that he would have the ability to fix that, a broken immigration policy, if the president could show that he was acting in good faith,” Noem said, adding, “Make an announcement that you’re changing your policies, you’re reallocating resources and going to start protecting the United States of America, and you’d have Republicans coming down to the White House asking…to be partners on fixing our immigration policies.”

“Instead what we’ve got is this partisan bickering back and forth and no solutions while people invade our country.”

“We’ve had almost 10 million people come in to our country and we’ve got a lot of people that have been on the terrorist watch list,” Noem continued, “dangerous criminals that are coming into the United States who do not love us that we’re allowing to enter our country.”

Federal authorities recently caught a terrorist at the U.S. southern border then released him into the country — where he roamed freely for nearly a year until his arrest in Minnesota just days ago.

“It’s an unsafe situation and the president can be the one who stands up and shows leadership at this time,” Noem told Bash, adding, “Change your policies. Build a wall. Secure the border.”

Bash retorted, “He’s negotiating because this is what Republicans wanted him to do. So again, why not take the W?” questioning Republicans’ refusal to back a foreign aid spending package that also provides funding to Ukraine and Israel.

“What has he done?” Noem asked, repeating “What has he done?”

At this point, Bash was unable to provide a response and sat in silence.

“He’s done nothing as far as actual policies and actually using the tools he has.”

Will Republicans blink and cave on the bill in order to get the Biden administration to move on the border?

Watch the rest of the interview below:

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