Illegal alien crime ring reportedly stealing in NYC and traveling to Florida to spend money after cashing in loot
CNN’s Chief Law Enforcement and Intelligence analyst John Miller told the network’s audience and his co-hosts that groups of illegal immigrants are intentionally committing crimes in New York City because of its soft crime policies.
Discussing a group of illegal immigrants who recently attacked NYPD officers, Miller explained the crew in question had already been arrested for several robberies and other crimes.
“So what the detectives are telling me is, they have crews here that operate in New York, do all their stealing, then go to Florida to spend the money and come back. I’m like, ‘Why don’t they just stay and steal in Florida?’ They said, ‘Because there you go to jail,’” Miller said, leaving his fellow CNN hosts flabergasted.
CNN’s Erica Hill quite literally stunned speechless after CNN’s John Miller said migrants steal in NY, spend in FL, but return to NY because they’ll actually be held accountable in the sunshine state:
“So what the detectives are telling me is, they have crews here that…
— Brianna Lyman (@briannalyman2) February 2, 2024
All five of the illegals who assaulted the NYPD officers were set free without bail, and several of them were seen arrogantly flipping off cameras following their release.
The image inspired an epic meme:
— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) February 1, 2024
The New York Post is now reporting, “Cops believe the group hopped on a bus bound for California on Wednesday after giving phony names to a church-affiliated nonprofit group that helps migrants get rides out of the city.”
The out of control illegal alien crisis is forcing millions of Americans to wake up to the fact that establishment politicians are allowing a UN-run program of replacement migration to destroy the country.