Horst D. Deckert

WATCH: Massive New Migrant Caravan on the Move in Mexico

The caravan began moving on foot, before entering trucks and buses

Another massive migrant caravan has formed in Oaxaca, Mexico and is on its way to the border with the US.

Footage posted by a local news station on Sunday shows the caravan moving on foot from a sports center, before members of the caravan enter trucks and buses.

The caption reads: “Migrants leave the Sports Center, advance towards Teotitlán del Camino, bound for the United States.”

#Video: Salen migrantes del Polideportivo, avanzan hacia Teotitlán del Camino, con destino hacia EU pic.twitter.com/zQzQjd0CFT

— Más Noticias Oaxaca (@Masnoticias0ax) May 12, 2024

As the procession moves on foot, it is led by a man carrying a makeshift cross bearing the words, “The Authority of Christ.” People of all ages, genders and races can be seen.

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