Horst D. Deckert

Watch: MSNBC Freaks Out That Christian Nationalists Believe Their ‘Rights Come From God’

MSM pundit says real Christians don’t hold that belief

MSNBC on Thursday night told its audience that people who believe their rights come from God and not the government are “Christian nationalists,” not real Christians.

Politico National Investigative Correspondent Heidi Przybyla joined All In With Chris Hayes, saying:

“The one thing that unites all of them, because there’s many different groups orbiting Trump, but the one thing that unites them as Christian nationalists – not Christians by the way because Christian nationalist is very different – is that they believe our rights as Americans, as all human beings, don’t come from any earthly authority. They don’t come from Congress, they don’t come from the Supreme Court, they come from God.”

Here @MSNBC helpfully makes it clear their disdain for Christians in America.

She says that if you believe that your rights come from God, you aren’t a Christian, you are a Christian nationalist.

Somehow they seem to not mention that our own founding documents make this… pic.twitter.com/WTLMqcqTzg

— Wade Miller (@WadeMiller_USMC) February 23, 2024

Przybyla was dragged online for the remark.

Daily Wire reporter Megan Basham wrote:

“I don’t believe that MSNBC does not know that our founders believed this too. I don’t believe they don’t know that our Declaration of Independence asserts this very fact—that we are endowed by our Creator with inalienable rights. I think they are trying to erase it from our national history and identity so that we will forget that we have these rights. Because people who do not know that their rights come from God not government are easily ruled and oppressed.”

“[Christian Nationalists] don’t believe that our rights as Americans come from any earthly authority. They don’t come from Congress, they don’t come from the Supreme Court. They come from God.”

I don’t believe that MSNBC does not know that our founders believed this too. I don’t…

— Megan Basham (@megbasham) February 23, 2024

Podcast host Graham Allen asked, “HAS SHE NOT READ THE CONSTITUTION?!?!?”


This panelist really said if you believe your rights come from God (and not Congress), you are a Christian nationalist.



— Graham Allen (@GrahamAllen_1) February 23, 2024

The Federalist co-founder Sean Davis posted an image of a U.S. one dollar bill featuring the words “In God We Trust.”

If you hold or spend American currency, it must mean you’re a Christian Nationalist, according to MSNBC. https://t.co/fENuQzU4TL pic.twitter.com/UqZpZTpN9u

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) February 23, 2024

Leftist on @MSNBC flabbergasted that “Christian Nationalists” believe our rights come from God, not government.

Goes so far to say that those who believe this aren’t real Christians. ??


— Lizzie Marbach (@LizzieMarbach) February 23, 2024

Has this Politico reporter on MSNBC read the Declaration of Independence?

“The thing that unites them as Christian nationalists—not Christians by the way, because Christian nationalist is very different—is that they believe that our rights as Americans, as all human beings,…

— John McCormack (@McCormackJohn) February 23, 2024

Here’s MSNBC saying *anyone* who believes our rights come from God, not the government, is automatically a “Christian nationalist.”

That belief is central to the founding of our country. It’s in the Declaration. How embarrassing for @HeidiReports.

— Cody Sargent (@codydsargent) February 23, 2024

The media establishment is openly pushing anti-Christian propaganda on a regular basis.

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