Horst D. Deckert

WATCH: Russell Brand Celebrates Alex Jones for Predicting Globalism, Warns of Dark Force Attacking “Spirit” of Humanity

‘Alex Jones is broadly condemned as a conspiracy theorist. But then, aren’t we all these days?’

English comedian and actor Russel Brand praised Alex Jones for being “ahead of the curve” in accurately predicting the rise of globalism.

Appearing with Tucker Carlson in a newly released interview just months after enduring the British government’s attempt to destroy his career, Brand shared powerful insight on how to navigate the spiritual battle many now find themselves in.

“It terrifies me to contemplate, Tucker, that people like Alex Jones and in our country, David Icke … when it comes to the subject of globalization and the increasing authoritarian-ization of our planet, appear to have been ahead of the curve,” said Brand. “You can see them 20, 30 years ago saying, ‘the empowerment of NATO, the empowerment of world banks and the WHO.’”

“It’s extraordinary.”


RUSSELL BRAND: “It terrifies me to contemplate, Tucker, that people like Alex Jones and in our country, David Icke … appear to have been ahead of the curve.”

Brand finds it “extraordinary” how long they’ve been warning about the rise of global authoritarianism:

“You can see… pic.twitter.com/gfltzwBvJk

— The Vigilant Fox ? (@VigilantFox) January 31, 2024

Brand went on to break down how, in tandem with the globalist takeover, many are enduring a battle against a dark force that’s sabotaging their “spirit.”

“It seems to me that the disempowerment of ordinary people, the condemnation, the demoralization of the public to create people that are weary and broken – if not enslaved, then so dependent it amounts to a form of slavery – cannot be inadvertent.

It seems to be a denial of something fundamental that, I, in my language would call ‘spirit.’ The right to be who you are.

If you start to attack those pivotal infrastructural roles … to tell those people [that gave their lives to a country] that, ‘your country doesn’t mean anything,’ or alter the meaning of what a nation is or to what your contribution has been. It seems to be about a kind of disorientation. 

The reason I mention [Alex Jones & David Icke] is because they talk specifically about ideas that have to do with spirituality, morality, and ethics.

It’s hard for someone like me to consider that the goals of this global establishment are anything other than power, finance, and dominion. But when you talk about this loathing of nature, whether that’s human nature or botany, or the great expanse, it’s difficult to think that there isn’t something dark at its core.

“YES!’ agreed Carlson.

Notably, just last month, Carlson revealed he believes that good and evil spiritual forces influence humanity in such a profound manner that the controlled environment where mankind exists can be compared to an “ant farm.”

Tucker Carlson going there:

“They’re not aliens, they’ve always been here. I do think it’s spiritual. If the US government has, in fact, had contact with these beings and has entered into some sort of agreement with them, it’s a very, very heavy thing.” pic.twitter.com/s5YcFeh8Nk

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) December 21, 2023

“They’re not aliens, they’ve always been here. I do think it’s spiritual,” said Carlson on Timcast IRL in December. “There is good and evil that we are being acted upon at all times … You are subject to forces from outside yourself.”

“There are forces that are not human that do exist in a spiritual realm of some kind that we cannot see and that, when you think about it, sort of makes you think we live on an ant farm.”

Regarding the demoralization of many in Western civilization, Carlson recently slammed Canada’s assisted suicide program for specifically targeting people whose ancestors built the country.

h/t Vigilant News

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