Horst D. Deckert

Watch! Trump Unleashes Scathing ‘Bidenica’ Ad Mocking ‘Sleepy Joe’ Ahead of Debate


Fake insomnia drug claims it will help restless sleepers by showing them videos of the Democrat puppet president’s press conferences.

People having trouble catching Z’s should try the new sleep drug “Bidenica,” jokes a satirical ad shared by former President Donald Trump on the eve of the first 2024 presidential election.

Inspired by Joe Biden, the fake insomnia drug claims it will help restless sleepers by showing them videos of the Democrat puppet president’s press conferences, putting viewers to sleep immediately.

Trump posted this last night on Truth 💀 pic.twitter.com/JRFWyk28gS

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) June 27, 2024

“Do not climb stairs or operate heavy equipment while taking BIDENICA,” a disclaimer notes.

“Stop taking BIDENICA and call your doctor right away if you speak gibberish, become disoriented or start thinking you are President of the United States,” states another disclaimer.

Trump has previously shared memes mocking Biden as a geriatric invalid, and portraying him as a senior home resident.

Congratulations to @MAGADevilDog!

The boss loves The Dilley Meme Team!pic.twitter.com/ChxgKFScfv

— Brenden Dilley (@WarlordDilley) March 16, 2024

President Trump posted this on Instagram LMFAO pic.twitter.com/CL7afGxKS9

— Suhr Majesty ™ (@ULTRA_MAJESTY) January 12, 2024

The devastating meme comes as Trump is set to face off with Biden in a debate hosted by CNN in Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday. Infowars will be providing live coverage tonight at infowars.com/show.

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