Horst D. Deckert

Shock Footage: Masked Gunmen Storm TV Channel in Ecuador, Take Hostages

Around 10 gunmen entered the TC Televisión studios and ordered everyone on the floor.

Cameras were rolling Tuesday as masked gunmen stormed the set of an Ecuadorian news program while the show was broadcasting live.

Shock footage out of Guayaquil, Ecuador, captured the harrowing moments around 10 gunmen entered the TC Televisión studios during the Despues de el Noticiero program and ordered everyone on the floor.

?| URGENTE: Delincuentes tomaron las instalaciones del canal TC televisión en Guayaquil, Ecuador y tienen secuestrados a todos. ?? La situación es muy tensa en el país luego de que grupos criminales se alzaran contra el Estado de Excepción decretado por el Presidente. pic.twitter.com/EvOi2wFPcO

— Eduardo Menoni (@eduardomenoni) January 9, 2024

BREAKING: Gunmen storm TV channel in Ecuador, take hostages pic.twitter.com/UYQrYoOBcC

— BNO News (@BNONews) January 9, 2024

The incident unfolded just hours after Ecuador President Daniel Noboa declared a state of emergency ordering the military to crack down on several transnational crime groups, labeling them terrorist organizations and belligerent non-state actors.

He firmado el decreto ejecutivo declarando Conflicto Armado Interno e identifiqué a los siguientes grupos del crimen organizado transnacional como organizaciones terroristas y actores no estatales beligerantes: Águilas, ÁguilasKiller, Ak47, Caballeros Oscuros, ChoneKiller,… pic.twitter.com/rVfSTFmHlG

— Daniel Noboa Azin (@DanielNoboaOk) January 9, 2024

Peruvian media Gestión reports the gunmen held the news crew hostage while ordering them to ask police to leave the location.

Here’s a report on the incident from Gestión, translated to English:

They interrupted the live broadcast of TC Televisión in the middle of recording the program “After El Noticiero” in Guayaquil. In the midst of a state of emergency decreed by President Daniel Noboa, a group of hooded men, armed with rifles and grenades, burst in from the 2:15 p.m. this Tuesday, January 9 during the live broadcast on public television TC in Guayaquil, in a new drug attack that has shaken Ecuador for two days.

The TV signal remained open during the event and the arrival of military and police outside TC Television was evident. They immediately evacuated the workers who were inside the facilities, including journalists, cameramen, among others.

“Please don’t shoot, don’t shoot,” a woman can be heard pleading in the televised images, while other people sitting on the floor cover their faces. The armed people showed off their arsenal, until the lights on the set went out. The live feed continued to broadcast the gunshots, screams and cries heard off-camera.

Police were able to evacuate over 20 staffers amid the chaos.

?? | URGENTE: Fuerzas de seguridad de Ecuador comienzan a evacuar a algunos trabajadores del canal TC Televisión en Guayaquil, tras asalto de grupos armados. pic.twitter.com/um4Nzoqtyk

— Alerta Mundial (@AlertaMundoNews) January 9, 2024

Police later reported several suspects were arrested following the hostage situation.

“CAPTURED,” Ecuador police wrote on social media. “As a result of the intervention in @tctelevision #GYE , our police units have so far managed to arrest several subjects and evidence linked to the crime.”


Como resultado de la intervención en @tctelevision #GYE, nuestras unidades policiales hasta el momento logran la aprehensión de varios sujetos e indicios vinculados al ilícito.

Posterior más detalles… pic.twitter.com/tPq7FfaGcM

— Policía Ecuador (@PoliciaEcuador) January 9, 2024

Gestión reports the incident comes as Ecuador “has been experiencing nights of terror due to a wave of violence with kidnapped police officers, the escape of imprisoned criminal bosses and attacks with explosives.”

Graphic footage circulating on social media purports to show gangs of criminals executing prison guards.

Ecuador is collapsing in the hands of criminals. I’m not even exaggerating when I say that if we don’t stop degradation of our country and corrupt politicians this will be USA in a few years.


— I Meme Therefore I Am ?? (@ImMeme0) January 9, 2024

Delincuentes comienzan a matar a los Guías Penitenciarios pic.twitter.com/JRCKtdumiU

— Emergencias Ec (@EmergenciasEc) January 9, 2024

JUST IN: Ecuador is in total chaos as armed gangs have reportedly stormed University of Guayaquil, attempting to kidnap students.

The incident comes as a television station crew was taken hostage on live air.

The chaos is in response to President Daniel Noboa’s decision to call… pic.twitter.com/49NwjeC2u2

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) January 9, 2024

The footage is more evidence America should immediately close its borders until we can figure out what happens.

The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher!

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