Horst D. Deckert

Adam Schiff Gets Huffy During Debate After Republican Calls Him “Liar” Who Was “Censured”

“You lied to 300 million people,” GOP candidate Steve Garvey told Schiff, adding, “You can’t take that back.”

While the 2024 presidential race dominates headlines, there are plenty of noteworthy happenings going on in Congressional contests.

Case in point, former baseball great Steve Garvey (R-CA) just called Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) a liar over allegations that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government to rig the 2016 election.

“I think you’ve been censured for lying,” the former athlete said to Schiff during a Monday night debate in Los Angeles.

“And this is exactly what I’m talking about: career politicians who are trying to determine who we are by race or by color or by gender,” he continued. “They never listen. They have pre-arranged words to say.”

Schiff, who presided over Trump’s first impeachment, snarked back that he “was censured for standing up to a corrupt president” and “would do it all over again.”

“That president has been indicted with … 91 felony counts — that president that you won’t refuse to support,” Schiff continued. “Yeah, he’s a danger. And I will stand up to him and [former House Speaker] Kevin McCarthy, and [Ohio GOP Rep.] Jim Jordan, and any of those MAGA enablers in Congress.”

You lied to 300 million people,” Garvey shot back, adding “You can’t take that back.


Adam Schiff gets called out during the CA Senate debate by Republican Steve Garvey for lying about Russian collusion:

Garvey: “I believe you were censured for lying.”

Schiff: “I was censured for standing up to a corrupt president”

Garvey: “Sir, you lied to 300 million people… pic.twitter.com/tqv4YD2kZZ

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) January 23, 2024

As the NY Post notes:

The California Democrat, who at the time of his allegations served as chair of the House Intelligence Committee, read portions of the now-debunked Steele dossier into the congressional record and said there was “ample evidence of collusion in plain sight.”

“You honor me with your enmity. You flatter me with this falsehood,” Schiff following the floor vote. “Today I wear this partisan vote as a badge of honor, knowing that I have lived my oath.”

Three independent federal investigations by special counsel Robert Mueller, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz and special counsel John Durham later found no such evidence existed.

Adam Schiff was censured by the House for lying about Russia collusion.

The House doesn’t censure you for doing something good.

Schiff is among disgraced representatives like Rashida Tlaib who was censured for her antisemitism.

This 2023 vote officially declared Schiff a liar. pic.twitter.com/kLIUq7e6kJ

— Paul A. Szypula ?? (@Bubblebathgirl) January 23, 2024

Liars gonna lie…

“Clearly, the origins of this whole smear [Hunter Biden laptop] are from the Kremlin.” -Adam Schiffpic.twitter.com/x6sN8Hcoya

— E ?? (@Simply4Truth_) January 23, 2024

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