Horst D. Deckert

Boatloads of Illegals Swarming San Diego Shores

Vessel full of illegals slams into dock at Mission Bay hotel hours before another boat intercepted by U.S. Coast Guard

A boat carrying illegal aliens was intercepted in San Diego waters just hours after another vessel full of illegals landed at hotel in the same area, according to reports.

On Sunday morning, a pleasure craft carrying around 10 people reportedly slammed into a fuel dock at the Hyatt Hotel in Mission Bay.

Eight suspects were arrested and taken to a Customs and Border Protection facility for processing, Fox 5 reports.

A short time later, another smuggling boat was interdicted at the entrance to Mission Bay by the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG).

“This one never made it to a dock unlike the one reported earlier that crashed into the Hyatt fuel dock,” local journalist Amy Reichart reported on Tuesday, citing an inside source.

“The U.S. Coast Guard transferred 7 people from Mexico to the Border Patrol.”

NEW from source:
A smuggling boat was intercepted by U.S. Coast Guard on Sunday, July 7 in the Mission Bay channel at the entrance to the bay. This one never made it to a dock unlike the one reported earlier that crashed into the Hyatt fuel dock. The U.S. Coast Guard transferred… pic.twitter.com/KqLxUFrYdf

— Amy Reichert (@amyforsandiego) July 9, 2024

As Reichert pointed out, many illegals who choose to enter the U.S. by such covert means often do so because their criminal records or deportation histories could likely lead to their removal.

The USCG Southern California says 21 suspected smuggling operations involving 106 people were detected between July 1 and 7.

“Alarmingly, 6 tried to swim to the USA,” USCG SoCal stated on social media.

Between July 1-7, there were 21 suspected human smuggling events at the SW border, putting 106 lives at risk. Alarmingly, 6 tried to swim to the #USA. Human smuggling is dangerous and illegal. Stay safe—don’t risk your life! #donttaketothesea #SanDiego #USCG #EndHumanSmuggling

— USCG Southern California (@USCGSoCal) July 9, 2024

On July 1, three smuggling boats reportedly landed on San Diego beaches but no suspects were located at the time.

3 smugglers’ boats stormed San Diego beaches this morning, possibly carrying Fentanyl or people on terror watch lists.
But don’t worry, yoga is still illegal on city beaches. pic.twitter.com/WjktvSzNbZ

— Amy Reichert (@amyforsandiego) July 1, 2024

A panga used in human smuggling was found at first light this morning in the channel/ South Jetty that leads into the San Diego River next to Dog Beach. The pangas normally land on the main beach, and their passengers run to the parking lot to jump into the smuggler’s vehicles.…

— Amy Reichert (@amyforsandiego) July 1, 2024

InfoWars regularly reports on human smuggling busts in U.S. waters, many of which occur on the West Coast.

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