Horst D. Deckert

Deep State Officially Tries to Launch Bird Flu: Colorado Declares State of Emergency

1.8 million chickens to be slaughtered following disaster declaration, prompting fears mass culling could affect U.S. food supply, while bird flu outbreak could impact 2024 election.

The Colorado governor declared a state of emergency following a bird flu outbreak at an egg production facility which will result in the slaughter of millions of chickens, in another devastating blow to America’s food supply.

Democrat Gov. Jared Polis announced the disaster emergency declaration last week which “unlocks the resources necessary to help affected poultry facilities respond to and contain outbreaks of avian flu.”

???Colorado, US “The Bird Flu Outbreak is now an emergency”

An estimated 1,800,000 more chickens to be culled.

They are attacking farmers
They are attacking livestock
They are attacking egg production
They will force more experimental vaccines onto you.

They are insane. pic.twitter.com/SsJ5RnZlo0

— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) July 9, 2024

As a result of the incident, 1.78 million chickens will be killed at the Weld County facility where the outbreak occurred, with an afflicted worker reportedly recovering after testing positive and cattle also being affected.

The mass slaughter of close to 2 million chickens prompted concern on social media over the nation’s already beleaguered food supply.

Whose interest is behind this killing of chickens based on a false premise of using the 97% inaccurate PCR test?
Bill Gates, John Kerry , Klaus Schwab several months ago were on MSM talk circuit claiming we had to put farmers out of biz to save the planet.
The timing answers it.

— True Explorer (@true_explorer) July 9, 2024

I do not believe them! They’ve pulled so many stunts that I just can’t believe a word they utter! They’ve given me reason to believe it’s all about diminishing the food supply = famine!

— Patriot Lioness (@Patriot_Lioness) July 9, 2024

Animal welfare turning a blind eye to unnecessary slaughtering of livestock.

— Samantha Ashby (@Samanthapinkpan) July 9, 2024


— Crypto Medium (@BTCryptoMedium) July 9, 2024

Notice “outbreaks” are only happening in Blue States? This impacts the whole country. This is a sinister plan to reduce the US food supply.

— Old America Patriot (@TimothyKerby) July 10, 2024


— Smilja (@Smilja77) July 9, 2024

Colorado’s emergency bird flu declaration follows news earlier this month the U.S. government will fund the development of a Moderna bird flu “vaccine” to the tune of $176 million.

The country of Finland also announced late last month they would offer vaccinations for bird flu, despite no documented cases of animal-to-human transmission.

The mass culling of poultry also comes just months after several egg facilities caught fire earlier this year.


Multiple chicken farms have been set ablaze in the past 24 hours.

Accusations of domestic terrorism are flying – no cause has been officially announced for the series of farm fires.

Source: Fox pic.twitter.com/LL0m3QvqhD

— Mario Nawfal (@MarioNawfal) January 30, 2024

The outbreak is also is drawing comparisons to the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, with some fearing it could be used as a pretext to interrupt the 2024 election similar to the Covid pandemic.

Why yes after all it is an election year.

— Tammie (@Researc95424655) July 10, 2024

Just in time for the election!!! ;D

— Cheems Neil (@StickyKeef) July 10, 2024

Readers should stay hyper-vigilant; the Deep State will go for broke and accelerate their plans to collapse America as the facade of their installed puppet president falls to shambles.

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