Horst D. Deckert

HAPPENING: Biden Vows to Debate Trump

Puppet president taunts: “Make my day, pal.” Biden then claims Trump lost two debates against him!

President Joe Biden just released a statement saying he’s ready to debate GOP frontrunner Donald Trump.

“Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020. Since then, he hasn’t shown up for a debate,” said Biden in a heavily edited 14 second clip Wednesday. “Now, he’s acting like he wants to debate me again. Well, make my day pal. I’ll even do it twice. So let’s pick the dates Donald.”

“I hear you’re free on Wednesdays.”

Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020. Since then, he hasn’t shown up for a debate.

Now he’s acting like he wants to debate me again.

Well, make my day, pal. pic.twitter.com/AkPmvs2q4u

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) May 15, 2024

As of this writing, both Biden and Trump have accepted an invitation from CNN to debate on June 27.

I’ve received and accepted an invitation from @CNN for a debate on June 27th. Over to you, Donald. As you said: anywhere, any time, any place.

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) May 15, 2024

In a following message, Biden went on to claim he represents America’s “grassroots,” despite his long record of promoting illegals to pour across the Southern Border.

“When I get up on stage, it’ll be me and this grassroots team versus Donald Trump and his MAGA minions,” said Biden. “It will be democracy versus authoritarianism. Revenge and retribution versus a vision for our future.”

Earlier this month, Biden even called illegals “Hispanic voters.”

In a telling slip of the tongue earlier this week, Joe Biden referred to the unprecedented rise in illegal immigrants entering the US as an “influx” of “Hispanic voters.” Full report here: https://t.co/FYpTpE1j1m pic.twitter.com/ybcjVggVih

— m o d e r n i t y (@ModernityNews) May 11, 2024

According to Trump’s most recent statement on the issue, he’s in:

“I am Ready and Willing to Debate Crooked Joe at the two proposed times in June and September,” said Trump Wednesday. “It’s time for a debate so that he can explain to the American People his highly destructive Open Border Policy, new and ridiculous EV Mandates, the allowance of Crushing Inflation, High Taxes, and his really WEAK Foreign Policy, which is allowing the World to ‘Catch on Fire.’”

Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST debater I have ever faced – He can’t put two sentences together! Crooked is also the WORST President in the history of the United States, by far. It’s time for a debate so that he can explain to the American People his highly destructive Open Border…

— Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social (@TrumpDailyPosts) May 15, 2024

The second debate will reportedly take place in September.

ANYWHERE, ANYTIME, ANY PLACE! pic.twitter.com/kpkeHQ5YDk

— Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social (@TrumpDailyPosts) May 9, 2024

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