Horst D. Deckert

Sinéad O’Connor is dead: „Nothing compares 2 U“ – Broken by occidental discord (Video)



World-renowned Irish singer Sinéad O’Connor (1966 – 2023) was found dead today. She achieved international fame with the song written by Prince.…

Nothing compares 2 U

The lyrics of the song epitomise like no other both the singer’s personal turmoil at her own biography, which in turn is closely intertwined with Europe’s cultural identity crisis as a Christian Occident, and Sinéad’s self-destructive role as woman, lover, mother, believer in God.

It is true for Sinnead what it was for the German writer Heinrich Kleist to end in his premature failure in suicide:

„The truth is that there was no help for me on earth.

Farewell Sinnead!

May that God receive you in peace, for whom you have longed all your life and whom you have probably not yet found safely.

„Those who have died take us to themselves (Eichendorff).

May the comforting lines of the greatest German Romantic Joseph von Eichendorff accompany you – on your last journey to your beloved son:

„Thou dear, faithful lute, how many a summer night, until dawn came, I have slept through with thee!

The valleys are nocturnal again, the sunset hardly plays: But those who otherwise watched with us, they lie long dead.

What shall we sing now, here in loneliness? When all have gone from us, whom our song delights?

We still want to sing! So quiet is the world; Who knows, the songs may reach the starry skies.

Who knows, those who have died, they hear me above. And softly open the gates

And take us to themselves.“


The UM editorial team is currently working on a cultural obituary for the singer.


In seinem neuesten Buch analysiert unser Korrespondent Elmar Forster die kulturhistorischen Ursachen jener abendländisch-christlichen Kulturkrise, an der auch Sinéad O’Connor zerbrochen ist

KATAKLYPSE NOW: 100 Jahre Untergang des Abendlandes (Spengler) – Dekonstruktion der Political Correctness.

Das Buch ist im Gerhard-Hess-Verlag erschienen und direkt bei Elmar Forster postalisch (inkl. Widmung) zum Preis von 26,90 EUR (inkl. Porto und persönlicher Widmung) unter <ungarn_buch@yahoo.combestellbar. Es wird demnächst auch im Buchhandel und bei Amazon erhältlich sein.

517qVZDEfdL._SY264_BO1204203200_QL40_ML2Unser Ungarn-Korrespondent Elmar Forster, seit 1992 Auslandsösterreicher in Ungarn, hat auch ein Buch geschrieben, welches Ungarn gegen die westliche Verleumdungskampagne verteidigt. Der amazon-Bestseller  ist für UM-Leser zum Preis von 18,30.- (inklusive Postzustellung und persönlicher Widmung) beim Autor bestellbar unter <ungarn_buch@yahoo.com>

Bitte unterstützen Sie unseren Kampf für Freiheit und Bürgerrechte.

Für jede Spende (PayPal oder Banküberweisung) ab € 10.- erhalten Sie als Dankeschön auf Wunsch ein Dutzend Aufkleber „CORONA-DIKTATUR? NEIN DANKE“ portofrei und gratis! Details hier.


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